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Lehman College Sign-On Letter Calling on the Chancellor to Pay the $1,000 Equity Raise for Assistants to HEO

Feb 23, 2021

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Dear Chancellor Matos Rodríguez and President Lemons,

As members of the Lehman College community, we write to request that you immediately reverse your decision not to implement the $1,000 equity raise for Assistants to HEO (aHEOs) that was due to begin on February 1. Denying the negotiated raise is an attack on essential Lehman College colleagues—and on all of us. The decision can, and must, be reversed.

There are approximately 60 Assistants to HEO at Lehman and they have essential roles at the College. They help coordinate departmental programs and provide important services in Human Resources and other offices. Many are on the front lines of our Admissions Office. They are in the lowest paid title of the HEO series and it is for that reason that the PSC negotiated the “equity” raise.

Moreover, across CUNY, including at Lehman, a majority of those in the aHEO title are women and/or people of color. The union negotiated the $1,000 increment specifically to narrow gaps in salary and address inequities of race and class.

Chancellor Matos Rodríguez, honor the union contract you signed. Especially now, when our 2% raise has been delayed indefinitely, it is especially harmful to deny this small raise to those who need it the most.

President Lemons, publicly state your support for this important equity increase for these workers and demand that the Chancellor do the right thing.

As we fight our way out of a pandemic and fiscal crisis, and with an influx of funds on their way to CUNY from the federal government, there is no excuse for denying this raise. We appeal to you to implement the raise immediately and stop adding unnecessary pain and suffering to your employees who have been working exceedingly hard throughout these difficult times.


Sonia A Rai, IT
Abhishek Agarwal , Physics and Astronomy
Diana Almodovar , Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
Allison Amend , English
pamela ansaldi-klyvert , English
Julie Aquilato , Social Work
Dyan Atkins , Undergraduate Advising
Diane Auslander , History
Laurie Austin , Admissions
Kofi Benefo , Sociology
Janine Billadello , Anthropology
Christopher Bonastia , Sociology
Zenaida Bough , GPS
Andrea Boyar , Health Sciences
Valerie Brown , Office of Admissions
Rachel Burkett , Office of the President
David C Fletcher, Middle & High School Education
Scott Calvin , Academic Advisement
Sandra Campeanu , Psychology
Samantha Cancel , Accounts Payable
Paul Carrellas , Art Department
Catherine Cassidy , Social Work
Stuart Chen-Hayes , CLLSE
Jiyoung Choi , Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
Hasan Chowdhury , Adult Degree Program
Margaret Clifton , Nursing
Sandra Cortez , International Programs & Community Engagement
Donna Covington-Hargrove , Department of Academic Advising
Tishana Daniel , Academic Advisement
Yuleidy De LaCruz, Social Work
Craig Demmer , Health Sciences
Emily Denham , Strategic Persistence Initiatives
Richard DesRochers , Music, Multimedia, Theatre & Dance
Sophia Diamantis-Fry , APEE
Victoria Dominguez , Anthropology
Mary-Ellen Dorfman , Health Sciences
Rhiannon Dowling , History
Mine Doyran , Business and Economics
Evelyn Duran Urrea, Languages and Literatures
Lawrence Eitel , Health Sciences Department
Stacey Engels , English
Cecilia Espinosa , ECCE
Carmen Esteves , Languages and Literatures
Lisa Estreich , ISSP
Danna Ethan , Health Sciences
Robert Farrell , Library
Jorge Fernandez Soriano, Physics & Astronomy
Konstantinos Filis , Admissions
Richard Finger , Enrollment Management
Zeke Finkelstein , English
David Gantz , College Now
Ronita Ghatak , Health Sciences
Habib Girgis , Chemistry
Jeffrey Gitlin , Computer Science
Rafael Gonzalez , Mathematics
Mario Gonzalez-Corzo , Economics and Business
JEANNETTE GRAULAU , Political Science
Amanda Gulla , Middle and HS Education
Debbie Hamilton , English
Heather Heim , English
Sarah Hildebrand , English
Elizabeth Hollander , English/LEH
Benjamin Holtzman , History
Dene Hurley , Economics and Business
Linda J. Martin, Academic Standards and Evaluation
Karen J. Kushla,ScD,, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
Marisol Jimenez , Instructional Support Services Program
Kevin Johnson , Mathematics
Vanessa Jones , School of Education
Mary Joseph , Nursing
Regina Joyce , English (LEH)
Stacy Katz , Library
Hyangmi Kim , Health Sciences
Jennifer Laird , Sociology
Richard Lissemore , Speech-Language-Hearing
Paula Loscocco , English
Johnny Lozada , Continuing Education
Anna Luerssen , Psychology
Pedro Luna , SEEK
Loric Madramootoo , Computer Science
Bret Maney , English
Marie Marianetti , History
Conard Mark Miller, Social Work
Yanissa Marte , Health Sciences
Dawn Martin , Education
Julie Maybee , Philosophy
Tracy Mejia Urena, College Now
abigail mellen , history
Frank Mercogliano , Sociology
margot mifflin , English
Francisco Montaño , Languages & Literatures
Erica Morales , Admissions
Madelin More , Admissions
Olivia Moy , English
Janet Munch , Library
William Murray , Office of the President
Goher Murtaza , Continuing Education
Deirdre O’Boy , English
Gregory Oswald , English
Henry Ovalles , Administration & Finance
Jacqueline Pagan , Buildings & Grounds
Terri Peterson, PhD, Political Science
Freddy Pina , Budget & Planning
Vincent Prohaska , Psychology
Anna Purves , English
Janet R. DeSimone, CLLSE
Daniel R. Fernández, Languages and Literatures (Lehman College)
Herbert R. Broderick, Art
Dina R. D’Alessandro, Health Sciences
Donald R. Velazquez, Health Sciences
Maria Ramirez , Office of the Registrar
Anne Rice , Africana Studies
Yini Rodriguez , School of Arts and Humanities
Ada Rodriguez , Eco+Business
Aurea Rodriguez , Admissions Office
Thyra Roff , Mathematics
Lynn rosenberg , Slhs
Deborah Rubin , Social Work
Pamela S. Hinden, SCPS/ADP
Paul Sager , Library, Lehman College
Kevin Sailor , Psychology
Mari Sakaji , Languages and Literatures
Christa Salamandra , Anthropology
Antonio Sanchez , Mathematics
Brenda Sanchez , Financial Aid
Deborah Sanders , Economics and Business
Jason Schulman , Political Science
Gary Schwartz , Languages and Literatures
Elvira Senese , Financial Aid
Hannah Shields , Health Sciences
Christie Shortell , Admissions
Velveth Suarez , Financial Operations
Philip Suchma , History
Zoltan Szabo , Mathematics
Eleanor T Campbell, Nursing
LaRose T. Parris, Africana Studies
Tyler T. Schmidt, English
Linda Tauber , Economics and Business
Gul Tiryaki Sonmez, Health Sciences
Maurice Vann , Social Work
Luis Vega, Biology
Bernardo Viano, LEH- Gen Ed
Dr. Victoria Sanford, Anthropology
Mohan Vinjamuri, Social Work
Joseph W Rachlin, Biological Scienced
Andrew W. Robertson, History
Dhipinder Walia, Lehman College
Laurell Watson, Health Sciences
Raph William Boone, LEh, ENG
Brian Wynne, Mathematics

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