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Hiring from Within for Excellence and Justice

Hire from within_BMCC

Hire from within_BMCC

Hire from within_Bronx Community College

Hire from within_Bronx Community College

Hire from within_Brooklyn College

Hire from within_Brooklyn College

Hire from within_MEC

Hire from within_MEC

Hire from within_Queens College_2nd entrance

Hire from within_Queens College_2nd entrance

Hire from within_Queens College

Hire from within_Queens College

The PSC’s strong budget campaign and a new political dynamic in Albany helped to win $53 million in funding dedicated to new full-time faculty lines at CUNY and tens of millions more in increased general operating funding that could support the hiring of new faculty and professional staff. The dedicated funding was allocated with the explicit goal to create a path to full-time positions for CUNY adjuncts. But that goal expressed—after years of PSC pressure—in the CUNY budget request and the Governor’s Executive budget is not a mandate. So, the union is mounting a campaign to push CUNY colleges to Hire from Within for Excellence and Justice and leveraging the experience of our membership to help make CUNY adjuncts stronger candidates for the newly available full-time positions.


Hiring from Within Letter to Department Chairs

Part-Time Faculty and Staff Professional Development Workshop

400 CUNY adjuncts attended a May 6th professional development session hosted by the Committee for Adjuncts and Part-timers (CAP) of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC). PSC member volunteers worked alongside staff to plan and organize the virtual session aimed at making CUNY adjuncts stronger candidates for the newly available full-time positions. Attendees heard advice from CUNY hiring committee members and attended segments on developing your statement of teaching philosophy, diversity statement, CV, and cover letter.


05/05/22: Hiring from Within Letter to Department Chairs

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