Special Delegate Assembly Meeting
Special Delegate Assembly Meeting Thursday, July 13, 6:30 pm The Delegate Assembly ("the DA") is the union's central policy-making body. The DA holds open meetings each month during the academic year. The DA is comprised of representatives from each of the chapters plus the 27 General Officers of the union…
One-on-One Committee Membership Phonebank
The one-on-one committee has organized two phone banking events for June, where will be calling HEO non-members. The phone banking will be Thursday, June 22nd, 1:30 to 3:00 and Monday, June 26th, 1:30 to 3:00. Register in advance for this meeting. Please select one or both of these dates based…
One-on-One Committee Membership Phone Banking
The one-on-one committee has organized two phone banking events for June, where will be calling HEO non-members. The phone banking will be Thursday, June 22nd, 1:30 to 3:00 and Monday, June 26th, 1:30 to 3:00. If you haven’t used Broadstripes before, we will train you. Register in advance for…
Queens College Chapter Meeting
The QC chapter of the PSC will hold monthly chapter meetings via Zoom, open to all PSC members who work on the QC campus. You can register in advance for any or all of the PSC QC monthly chapter meetings here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ld-6qqTopGNNsalg4lWFWdTzpn7a93qv9
Legislation Committee Meeting
Monthly Legislation Committee Meeting RSVP here. Meeting will start at 6:30pm.
PSC H&S Watchdog Meeting
PSC H&S Watchdog Meeting You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Jun 15, 2023 03:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvf-msqj0uGNXNclG-_lkrf7eHDIu8pp50 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
LaGuardia Community College HEO Know Your Rights Meeting
LaGuardia Community College HEO Know Your Rights Meeting Tuesday, June 13th at 1:00 PM Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkd-ugpj4sE9F0RV8IL0nf-bCae-gvgX9y
LaGuardia Community College Chapter Picnic
LaGuardia Community College Chapter Picnic June 8, 2023 4:00pm For more Chapter information, please go our webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/lagpsc/home