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Three ways to cast your vote

The PSC Delegate Assembly voted overwhelmingly to send the tentative contract agreed to by the PSC and CUNY to rank-and-file members for a ratification vote, to begin on July 11. Members will have the option of voting yes or no on the deal laid out in the Memorandum of Agreement that appears on pages 8-11 of this issue of Clarion, and on the PSC website.

Online and Phone

Members may vote by mail, phone or through the American Arbitration Association website. The deadline for internet and online voting is 11:45 pm EDT on Wednesday, August 3, 2016; mail-in ballots must be received by that date and time in order to be counted. The PSC recommends voting either by phone or through the AAA website. However, if you choose to vote by mail, the PSC recommends that you mail your ballot by July 18 in case of postal delays.

Copies of the complete memorandum and its attachments have been emailed to members. Mail-in ballots and instructions on how to cast ballots either electronically or by post were mailed to members’ homes.


According to the PSC Constitution, to be eligible to vote on the proposed contract you must have been a PSC member in good standing as of four months before ratification ballots are sent out – in this case, as of March 7. Unlike in 2008, employees of the Educational Opportunity Centers are eligible to participate in the ratification vote. CUNY Research Foundation Central Office employees are covered under a separate collective bargaining agreement. Under the PSC Constitution, retirees do not vote on contract ratification. For questions about eligibility to vote, contact the PSC Office at 212-354-1252.

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