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Home » Clarion » 2012 » March 2012 » Medicare B Reimbursement & TIAA-CREF

Medicare B Reimbursement & TIAA-CREF


The December Clarion article on reimbursement of Medicare Part B premium payments explained how new retirees can sign up – but the print version only described the procedure for members of the Teachers Retirement System (TRS).

CUNY retirees in TIAA-CREF who are enrolled in Medicare Part B should fill out a reimbursement application form, available from your campus HR office or online. Send the completed form, plus copies of both your Medicare card and your retiree health plan card (GHI, HIP, etc.) to: University Benefits Office/CUNY, 395 Hudson Street, 5th floor, New York, NY 10014. For further details, see the updated Clarion article.

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