Chapter Officers, Delegates and Alternates to the PSC Delegate Assembly and PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund Advisory Council
Term of Office: 3 Years
In each of the Chapters listed in the table below, voters will elect the Chapter Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, four (4) Officers-at-Large, Delegates to the Delegate Assembly (in addition to the Chapter Chairperson, who shall automatically be the initial Delegate to the Delegate Assembly) and Alternates to the Delegate Assembly, according to the listing in the table on this page.
DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY: Candidates must submit a signed declaration of candidacy no later than January 13, 2023. The declaration must specify the office(s) being sought, the candidate’s name, college and department, and, if the candidate intends to run as part of a slate or caucus, the name of the slate or caucus. Candidate declarations as part of a slate should be submitted through the slate or caucus designee. A sample declaration form is available on the PSC website at and Completed declaration forms may be emailed to [email protected] or be mailed to the PSC Office to Attn: PSC Elections Committee, 25 Broadway, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10004. (Please note that the PSC office recently moved. The address listed above is the new address.)
ELIGIBILITY FOR HOLDING OFFICE: Members shall be permitted to hold chapter-level office who have been members in good standing of the appropriate chapter for at least one (1) year prior to the close of nominations on March 6, 2023.
VOTING ELIGIBILITY: Members who have been members in good standing of the appropriate chapter for at least four (4) months prior to the mailing of the ballots on April 3, 2023 (i.e., they must have been a member as of December 3, 2022) shall be permitted to participate in the nomination process and to vote.
NOMINATING PROCEDURES: Nominations of an individual or of a slate must be by official nominating petition signed by no fewer than twenty-five (25) members in good standing of the chapter, or by no fewer than twenty-five percent (25%) of the members in good standing of the chapter, whichever is less. For chapter elections, members may only sign nominating petitions of the chapter to which they belong.
SLATE REGULATIONS: A slate of candidates will be recognized if it consists of candidates for twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the officers to be elected, and if it submits, prior to the close of nominations: (1) a listing of caucus officers, all of whom must be members in good standing, including the person designated to authorize nominees for that caucus’ slate and (2) a nominating petition including the printed name, signature, department and college of each petitioner, and the signature for each candidate running on the slate. A candidate’s signature on a Declaration of Candidacy form submitted by a slate or caucus shall constitute that candidate’s acceptance of the slate designation.
BALLOTING: All voting must be by the official PSC ballot. Write-in votes are permitted. A write-in vote shall be valid if the intent of the voter is clear; written, printed and typed names are acceptable. A write-in candidate must meet the same eligibility requirements as a regular candidate. In chapter elections, any nominated or write-in candidate must receive at least ten (10) votes or ten percent (10%) of the votes cast for that office, whichever is less, in order to be elected. Write-in candidates who are elected must submit a written acceptance of office to the PSC Elections Committee within ten (10) calendar days of notification that their election has been certified.
CAMPAIGNING: All candidates may mail literature at their own expense through the PSC’s mailing house, Century Direct. To request a list, email the membership department at [email protected]. The Request for List and Labels Form will also be posted on the PSC website on the PSC Elections Committee webpage. The PSC will provide Century Direct with electronic downloads of members’ home addresses after receiving payment of $60.00 from the candidate. PSC must have three (3) working days of advance notice to generate and provide these downloads. Contact Century Direct at (212) 763-0600 or [email protected].
ELECTION TALLY: Each candidate, or a representative of the candidate, is entitled to be present at the final tallying or counting of the ballots. Candidates who are part of a slate may have a slate representative present at the counting of the ballots.
At each of the colleges listed in the table below, voters will elect the designated number of members of the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund Advisory Council, in accordance with the below schedule and rules and the bylaws of the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund.
- FRI, JANUARY 13, 2023 – Deadline for submitting a signed Candidate Declaration. The form is available online at and should be submitted to [email protected]. Forms may also be mailed to the PSC Office at Attn: PSC Elections Committee, 25 Broadway, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10004. Forms must be received by January 13, 2023.
- MON, FEBRUARY 6, 2023 – Pre-printed nominating petitions will be available upon request by emailing [email protected].
- MON, MARCH 6, 2023, 5:00 PM – Deadline for completed nominating petitions to be received at [email protected] or at the PSC Office, Attn: PSC Elections Committee, 25 Broadway, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10004.
- MON, APRIL 3, 2023 – Ballots will be mailed to members’ home addresses.
- THUR, APRIL 27, 2023, 5:00 PM – Ballots in an uncontested election must be received at the PSC Office.
- THUR, APRIL 27, 2023, 5:00 PM – Ballots for contested elections must be received at American Arbitration Association via mail or internet.
- FRI, APRIL 28, 2023, 10:00 AM – Mailed Ballots will be counted.
The complete Election Rules and PSC Constitution may be obtained from the PSC website at and
Relevant sections are summarized but not quoted below:
- All voting must be on an official ballot. Write-in votes are permitted. The intent of the voter must be clear, whether the name of the candidate is written, printed or typed. In order for a write-in vote to be considered valid, the candidate must meet the same eligibility requirements as a regular candidate. A write-in candidate must receive at least ten (10) or ten percent (10%) of the total votes cast in the election, whichever is less, to be elected. Write-in candidates who are elected must submit a written acceptance of office to the PSC Elections Committee within ten (10) days of the notification of election results.
- Each candidate, or a representative designated in writing, is entitled to observe the counting of the ballots.
Any questions regarding election procedures or materials can be addressed to [email protected]. All mailed correspondence to the PSC Office regarding elections should be addressed to the Attn: PSC Elections Committee, 25 Broadway, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10004. (The PSC office recently moved.)

PSC Spring 2023 Elections will be held for several PSC chapters (listed above). This chart outlines the number of positions up for election for Delegate, Alternate Delegate and WF Advisory Council. The number of Delegate positions up for election includes the Chapter Chair, who takes the first delegate seat. The table also outlines the number of petition signatures of members in good standing required for candidates to run at their chapters. The total members column reflects the number of members in the chapter.
Published: January 9, 2023 | Last Modified: January 17, 2023