PSCers turned out to a CUNY Board of Trustees hearing at Baruch College to protest the six-month delay in getting their contract-mandated salary increases and back pay. Many members spoke emotionally about the unnecessary financial bind CUNY and the state are putting them through.
Ratification bonuses to be paid in October | Salary schedules for the new contract
PSC members overwhelmingly ratified the union's contract with CUNY this summer, winning back pay, raises and many other new provisions. Chapter leaders say the contract campaign energized members, and they plan to use the momentum from the contract campaign to continue to organize on their campuses.
The newly ratified collective bargaining agreement has a new provision securing multiyear appointments for adjunct faculty.
This November's election is not only about the presidential race, but key races could reshape the New York state legislature and the state's congressional delegation.
While the anti-union case Friedrichs ended in a 4-4 deadlock, the right-wing has more court cases lined up in order to cripple public-sector unions.
For more than a decade, Larrry Morgan directed the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund. At the end of September, Morgan retires. Donna Costa, the fund's current associate director, will now lead the fund.
With more national attention on college affordability, the New York City Council is looking into how to make CUNY free.
A new batch of chapter leaders features a lot of fresh faces, as well as many returning ones, after several chapters completed their elections.
Students and professors are still waiting for the CUNY administration to address allegations of NYPD surveillance of Muslim students.
After union pressure, CUNY announced the dates for higher salary rates and ratification bonuses that were negotiated in the recently-ratified contract. Bonuses were paid to employees receiving state paychecks (senior colleges and graduate schools) on October 13 and to employees receiving city paychecks (community colleges) on October 21. Higher salary rates and retroactive pay will go into effect no later than January.
For members with questions/problems, the first step the union recommends is that members contact those responsible for payroll in their college HR Office for an explanation of what was paid or not. If members believe there is a problem, then they should contact the PSC Office armed with responses from HR.
PSCers turned out to a CUNY Board of Trustees hearing at Baruch College to protest the six-month delay in getting their contract-mandated salary increases and back pay. Many members spoke emotionally about the unnecessary financial bind CUNY and the state are putting them through.
Ratification bonuses to be paid in October | Salary schedules for the new contract
PSC members overwhelmingly ratified the union’s contract with CUNY this summer, winning back pay, raises and many other new provisions. Chapter leaders say the contract campaign energized members, and they plan to use the momentum from the contract campaign to continue to organize on their campuses.
The newly ratified collective bargaining agreement has a new provision securing multiyear appointments for adjunct faculty.
This November’s election is not only about the presidential race, but key races could reshape the New York state legislature and the state’s congressional delegation.
While the anti-union case Friedrichs ended in a 4-4 deadlock, the right-wing has more court cases lined up in order to cripple public-sector unions.
For more than a decade, Larrry Morgan directed the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund. At the end of September, Morgan retires. Donna Costa, the fund’s current associate director, will now lead the fund.
With more national attention on college affordability, the New York City Council is looking into how to make CUNY free.
A new batch of chapter leaders features a lot of fresh faces, as well as many returning ones, after several chapters completed their elections.
Students and professors are still waiting for the CUNY administration to address allegations of NYPD surveillance of Muslim students.
After union pressure, CUNY announced the dates for higher salary rates and ratification bonuses that were negotiated in the recently-ratified contract. Bonuses were paid to employees receiving state paychecks (senior colleges and graduate schools) on October 13 and to employees receiving city paychecks (community colleges) on October 21. Higher salary rates and retroactive pay will go into effect no later than January.
For members with questions/problems, the first step the union recommends is that members contact those responsible for payroll in their college HR Office for an explanation of what was paid or not. If members believe there is a problem, then they should contact the PSC Office armed with responses from HR.