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August 2011

August 2011

The CUNY Board of Trustees unanimously approved sweeping policy changes on general education and transfer credits at its June 27 meeting, despite intense opposition from many faculty members.

PSC members have responded to the drumbeat of attacks on unions and public education by making their own media. "As we get pummeled by the narratives of the corporate media, it's important for us to develop our own narratives," said one, who helped start an eight-page alternative paper on his campus.

In her May 27 commencement address at the Graduate Center, Distinguished Professor Michelle Fine urged graduates to commit themselves to supporting and defending public education and other vital public institutions. "Remember your roots, and go public - everywhere you can," Fine said.

Democrats and Republicans are attacking public-sector workers in northeastern states. Collective bargaining rights have been undercut in New Jersey and Massachusetts, while in New York Gov. Cuomo takes aim at wages and future pension benefits. Here’s Clarion‘s coverage:

Cuomo’s Pension Attack: Tier 6 Is His Top Goal for 2012
NY State Workers Held ‘Hostage’: Gov’s Threats Win Concessions
New Jersey State Workers Take a Hit
Massachusetts Democrats Target Municipal Workers

The CUNY Board of Trustees unanimously approved sweeping policy changes on general education and transfer credits at its June 27 meeting, despite intense opposition from many faculty members.

PSC members have responded to the drumbeat of attacks on unions and public education by making their own media. “As we get pummeled by the narratives of the corporate media, it’s important for us to develop our own narratives,” said one, who helped start an eight-page alternative paper on his campus.

In her May 27 commencement address at the Graduate Center, Distinguished Professor Michelle Fine urged graduates to commit themselves to supporting and defending public education and other vital public institutions. “Remember your roots, and go public – everywhere you can,” Fine said.

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