Stand Up for Science – NYC Rally
PSC members will attend the NYC Stand up for Science rally from 12:00pm-3:00pm in Washington Square Park! Register here for more information about the NYC event, and use the form below to tell us you'll join the PSC contingent!
Defend Public Research Funding – Cross-Union Rally
Join PSC members in Washington Square Park for a corss-union rally to protect public funding for our research! Register:
Queens College: Protect Our Right to Demonstrate!
The Queens College administration is attempting to implement a new policy on public demonstrations that is arbitrarily and needlessly restrictive, and infringes on our constitutional rights to free speech as students, faculty, staff and as citizens. Sign our letter, and then fill out the form below to join us for…
Adjunct Picket of CUNY Central
Join Adjuncts from PSC chapters across New York for a picket of the CUNY Central Office to demand that management come to the table with a fair economic offer and settle a strong contract for CUNY workers! Register using this form:
CLTs, HEOs & Brooklyn Picket of CUNY Central
Join CLTs and HEOs from PSC chapters across New York, plus members from Brooklyn College, for a picket of the CUNY Central Office to demand that management come to the table with a fair economic offer and settle a strong contract for CUNY workers! Register using the form below. …
Bronx & Staten Island Picket of CUNY Central
Join members from PSC chapters across the Bronx and Staten Island for a picket of the CUNY Central Office to demand that management come to the table with a fair economic offer and settle a strong contract for CUNY workers! Register using this form:
Queens & Brooklyn Picket of CUNY Central
Join members from PSC chapters across Queens, plus from Kingsborough Community College and City Tech, for a picket of the CUNY Central Office to demand that management come to the table with a fair economic offer and settle a strong contract for CUNY workers! Register using this webform:
Labor for Harris GOTV Rally
The PSC will join with other labor unions from across New York City for a GOTV rally at City Hall Park on Wednesday, October 23rd!
Real Raises Now!
Protest the CUNY Trustees Hearing October 21, John Jay College 4 PM Meet at 59th St. Entrance between 10th - 11th Aves. for Hearing 5 PM Meet at 10th Ave Steps for Protest Download Flier
Contract Now! Informational Picket
Contract Now! Informational Picket Stand in Solidarity, Supporting Our Bargaining Team Tuesday, September 24, 12:45-1:30PM CUNY Central, 205 E. 42nd Street CUNY management still refuses to offer fair pay increases or appropriate job security to PSC/CUNY members, even after more than a year of contract bargaining. The CUNY community and people…