The focus of speakers at the meeting is the Good and Welfare of our chapter members on issues ranging from healthcare to Welfare Fund benefits to community resources for retirees.
Kathryn Haslanger, Chief Executive Officer of the Jewish Association Serving the Aging (JASA), is a prolific author on the subject of health care and aging. She will provide us a comprehensive overview of health care choices, delivery and planning for seniors in NYC.
Ron Bruno, who for sixteen years has been executive director of Morningside Gardens NORC (a Naturally Occurring Retirement Community), will talk about the NORC movement, resources, activities and outreach.
Donna Costa (Executive Director) and Sandra Zaconeta (Retirement Benefits Counselor) will update members on PSC/CUNY Welfare Fund benefits.
Discussion will follow. Light refreshments.
[This event was originally scheduled for Monday, March 4th, but cancelled when the PSC closed due to a snowstorm.)