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Rally | May 26, 2021 · 5:00 pm

Rally to #FreeTheFunds: Beyond Racist Austerity

On Wednesday, May 26, following months of organizing and the allocation of Federal relief funds to Brooklyn College totaling $58 million, the PSC chapter will hold a rally to #FreeTheFunds: Beyond Racist Austerity at the Bedford Ave gates starting at 5pm.

Event Date: 
Wednesday, May 26, 2021 – 5:00pm
Event Type7: 

Bklyn5.26 FreeTheFunds.png

On Wednesday, May 26, following months of organizing and the allocation of Federal relief funds to Brooklyn College totaling $58 million, the PSC chapter will hold a rally to #FreeTheFunds: Beyond Racist Austerity at the Bedford Ave gates starting at 5pm.

Can you attend? Can you bring a friend or a co-worker? RSVP here. The event will have in-person and zoom options.

Despite ending Fiscal Year 2021 in a $5 million deficit, Brooklyn College is no longer in an acute crisis! Yet the College has provided no plans for how its considerable Federal funds can or should be used. Just as CUNY’s leadership must hear the urgency we feel on the campuses, so the College administration must realize this opportunity to access available resources and listen to the priorities expressed by campus constituencies.

Speakers will include students, faculty, and staff. Our priorities, consistently advocated this year, are within reach after significant gains in the NY State budget coupled with stimulus funding:

  • Free the funds for a healthy and safe return to campus, minimizing the risk of infection.
  • Free the funds because #sizematters: hire as many adjunct instructors and professional staff as needed to achieve pedagogically appropriate class size and open more sections as needed.
  • Free the funds to hire an outside consultant to help address racism/anti-Blackness on campus, and alleviate pressure on the operating budget so that Puerto Rican & Latino Studies and Africana Studies can hire full-time faculty.
  • Free the funds to compensate adjunct faculty and professional staff for the transition to online teaching and remote work.
RSVP Phone Number: 
Email Address: 
Brooklyn College at the Bedford Ave gates
Featured Event
Brooklyn College at the Bedford Ave gates

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March to Stop the Cuts - March 15, 11:00 am at Foley Square - JOIN us!