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Check Your Pension Contributions

The PSC membership recently approved a new contract, with effective dates from 2023 through 2027. We are working to update our website content to fully reflect the gains made in the new agreement as quickly as possible.

Summary of New Contract

New Memorandum of Agreement

2017-2023 Contract (pdf)

Pensions at CUNY are a result of years of union struggle, and we demand accurate records.

The PSC’s Contract Enforcement Department receives too many calls from active members who discover that their pension payments were not properly made by CUNY, or their contributions were not properly deducted. PSC members have been required to pay exorbitant amounts of money to keep their pensions intact because of CUNY’s poor record keeping.

Start by looking at your pay stubs for TRS or TIAA deductions. Then review your annual TRS or TIAA statement. If you work at multiple colleges, confirm the statement for each campus where you work shows the proper deductions. If you have prior year statements, confirm that the proper deductions were taken at any previous colleges where you have worked. You’ll have to pay any deficits that were not paid, so the sooner you identify a deficit, the better.

If you find pension deductions on your paystubs and annual statement, contact the college HR department, and make sure the records match. If you do not find deductions on your paystubs or annual notices or if the information HR has is incorrect, contact the Greg Douros in the PSC Contract Enforcement Department for assistance.

Published: November 21, 2022 | Last Modified: January 16, 2025

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