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Show Solidarity with Locked Out and Striking Workers

The Solidarity Committee is recommending support of union actions at Flatbush Gardens and the Boathouse Restaurant in Central Park

Locked out workers at Flatbush Gardens: SEIU 32BJ and the New York Central Labor Council have called a rally on Wednesday, August 31st at 5 PM to show support for 70 32BJ members at Flatbush Gardens who have been locked out of their jobs since November of 2010. Flatbush Gardens is a rental complex in Brooklyn. (NY Times Article) Don’t let Renaissance Equity Holdings, the complex’s management, undercut their workers’ bargaining with their lock out and force workers to accept wage cuts and slashed benefits. Download a flyer for the rally.

Striking workers in Central Park’s Boathouse: 60 employees of the Boathouse Restaurant in New York’s Central Park walked off the job when 37 of their co-workers were illegally terminated in retaliation for organizing a union. (NY Times Article) Boathouse workers began organizing in 2009 because of very low wages, stolen overtime pay, long hours, no benefits, unsafe conditions, rampant favoritism, sexual harassment, and ethnic discrimination. Now they are walking the picket line to stand up to their management’s threats and intimidation. The Boathouse Restaurant is run by an independent contractor, but owned by the City. Please send a message to the Parks Commissioner urging him to cancel the City’s contract with this anti-union employer.

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