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Teach-In Teach-Out Materials

#TeachCUNY and Other Local Actions

Over 100 faculty and students turned out to connect the dots between CUNY funding, student tuition and the PSC contract at the BMCC chapter’s #TeachCUNY event last week. Another 100 faculty and students rallied for a fair contract and a tuition freeze at the College of Staten Island. The LaGuardia Community College PSC chapter is holding #TeachCUNY sessions throughout the day on Tuesday, October 27, with panels from 10:30 AM-3:15 PM. Chapters at Bronx Community College and Hostos Community College also have teach ins this week. More actions are scheduled at Guttman Community College and John Jay College next week. Faculty members throughout CUNY are also finding pedagogically appropriate ways to make CUNY funding and the contract part of classroom learning. This page for a sample curriculum, a Power Point presentation and other resources. Contact your chapter chair and visit the PSC calendar to learn about events being planned for your campus.

I. Current Resource Materials on CUNY Funding and the Maintenance of Effort Bill

MOE PowerPoint Presentation for the Classroom

2015 Lobby Book

Maintenance of Effort Bill

Keep Albany’s Promise: State Budget Platform and Fact Sheet

Student/Faculty/Staff Higher Education Platform (PSC, UUP and NYPIRG):

II. Lesson Plans from BMCC’s Teach CUNY

A. Math

Math Lesson
Along with these graphs

1976 (PowerPoint)

B. History

Teach CUNY History Lesson Plan: CUNY and Enlightenment Ideals

C. Students’ Learning Conditions
Lesson Plan for a Discussion about Students’ Learning Conditions

D. Exploitation of Adjunct Labor

Unequal Pay for Equal Work? Universities’ Exploitation of Adjunct Labor

III. Historical Materials

Materials from the 2001 CUNYwide Teach-In

“Treasures that Prevail”: Adrienne Rich, the Seek Program, and Social Movements at The City College Of New York, 1968-1972 (Lost and Found, The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative series 4, number 3, 2013). CUNY Graduate Center Stacks (PS3535 .I233 Z94 2013)

John Jay at 50: Archival materials & contextual essays
Covers CUNY and John Jay specific events, including Open Admission, 1976 protests (budget crisis), and 1989 protests (building takeovers due to tuition raises).

The Puerto Rican Movement: Voices from the Diaspora / edited by Andrés Torres and José E. Velázquez.
This book, comprised of first-hand accounts of grass-roots activism by Puerto Ricans living on the U.S. mainland, covers areas beyond New York and CUNY. However there is important information from the front lines of the student uprisings that took place at many CUNY campuses throughout the 1960s as students fought for open enrollment and the establishment of Black and Puerto Rican Studies departments at the colleges.

Naison, M. (2014). Badass teachers unite!: Reflections on education, history, and youth activism. Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books.

IV. Higher Education and the Culture Wars

Giroux, H. A. (2015, March 3). “Higher education and the promise of insurgent public memory.” Truthout.

Giroux, H. A. (2014). Neoliberalism’s War on Higher Education. Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books.

V. The Corporatization of Higher Education

Cary Nelson (1999) “The Corporate University,” From Cary Nelson and Stephen Watt, Academic Keywords: A Devil’s Dictionary for Higher Education

Bousquet, Marc. (2008). How The University Works: Higher Education and the Low-Wage Nation. NY: New York University Press.

Newfield, Christopher. (2011). Unmaking the Public University: The Forty-Year Assault on the Middle Class. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Slaughter, Sheila and Rhoades, Gary. (2009). Academic Capitalism and the New Economy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Washburn, Jennifer (2006). University, Inc.: The Corporate Corruption of Higher Education. NY: Basic Books.

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