- Resolution in Support of the Palestinian People (Delegate Assembly, June 2021)
- No Cold War with China Resolution (Delegate Assembly, May 2021)
- PSC Statement Against Anti-Asian Violence (March 2021)
- Resolution on Amazon Workers (Delegate Assembly, March 2021)
- A New Approach to Public Higher Education Funding (NYSUT Resolution 5) (Delegate Assembly, February 2021)
- Resolution to Amend the PSC Constitution to Create an Anti-Racism Committee (Delegate Assembly, November 2020)
- Resolution on Washington Murals (Delegate Assembly, July 2020)
- Resolution on Defunding NYPD (Delegate Assembly, June 2020)
- PSC Statement on the Murder of George Floyd (May 2020)
- Resolution in Defense of the Rights of ICE Detainees and All Immigrants (Delegate Assembly, September 2019)
- Resolution on Housing and Climate Justice in NYC (Delegate Assembly, February 2019)
- PSC Statement on the Tree of Life Mass Murder (Executive Council, November 2018)
- Ensuring That Students Make an Informed Decision Regarding Military Service and ROTC (Executive Council, January 2018)
- Resolution on Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands (Executive Council, January 2018)
- Call for All Public Colleges and Schools to be Sanctuary Institutions (NYSUT RA Resolution 2017)
- Resolution on the Right to Know Act (Delegate Assembly, January 2017)
- Resolution on Freedom of Speech and Assembly (Delegate Assembly, October 2016)
- The Search for Justice in Cases Where Civilians are Killed by Police Officers (NYSUT RA Resolution 2015)
- Addressing the Legacy of Slavery in the Founding of American Colleges (AFT National Convention Resolution, July 2014)
- Resolution on Democratizing Ballot Access in New York State Elections (Delegate Assembly, June 2014)
- Against the Institutionalization of ROTC at CUNY (Delegate Assembly, May 2014)
- Updated Resolution to Re-Enfranchise Legal Non-citizen Residents in Local Elections (Originally Adopted October 30, 2003) (Delegate Assembly, April 2013)
- Against Austerity Education (2012 AFT Convention)
- Resolution to End the New York City Police Department’s (NYPD) Ineffective, Unjustifiable, Racist, Massive “Stop and Frisk” Policies (NYSUT RA 2012)
- Resolution on the Civil Rights Challenge of the Decade: Mass Incarceration as the New Jim Crow (NYSUT RA 2012)
- Resolution on the Racist Killing of Ramarley Graham by the NYPD (Delegate Assembly, April 2012)
- Resolution of Support for Financial Aid for Undocumented Immigrant Students (Delegate Assembly, November 2011)
- Support for Students Hunger-Striking for Passage of the DREAM Act (Delegate Assembly 2010)
- Resolution in Opposition to Governor Paterson’s Proposed Public Higher Education Empowerment and Innovation Act (Delegate Assembly 2010)
- Restore Funds for College Education for the Incarcerated (AFT National Convention 2010)
- Resolution for PSC Racial Diversity Advocate (Delegate Assembly June 2004)
- Resolution in support of Res. No. 909, currently before the NYC Council and calling upon federal, state, and local officials, and New York City agencies and institutions, to affirm and uphold civil rights and civil liberties (Delegate Assembly June 2003)
- Resolution on High Stakes Tests (Delegate Assembly, December 2002)
- Master Plan Amendment (Delegate Assembly, November 2002)
- Resolution in Support of “Journey of Hope” (Delegate Assembly, April 2002)