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This Week in the PSC

This Week in the PSC (5.20.13): Crunch Time for the No Confidence in Pathways Vote

May 20, 2013

It’s Crunch Time for the No Confidence in Pathways Vote

If you haven’t voted No Confidence in Pathways yet, please do so today. Here’s how. The larger the participation, the stronger the message. If you have voted already, please ask at least one colleague to do the same. All systems for voting are up and running, and No Confidence votes are coming in. You can vote online or by phone with the PIN included in the ballot mailed to you by the American Arbitration Association, or you can vote by mail. Click this link to see a sample ballot and voting instructions.

What’s Your Experience with CUNYfirst?

The latest Clarion has a telling piece about CUNYfirst by Dr. David Arnow, professor of computer and information science at Brooklyn College. It’s called “CUNYfirst, Users Last,” and it details some of the specific problems with how the system works, including issues with the user interface, the security model and the extra time CUNYfirst requires for simple tasks like checking a course roster.

As part of PSC’s systematic effort to collect information from members about their problems with CUNYfirst, union leaders recommend that members read and comment on the article from Dr. Arnow. Read it online, and then click the “add a new comment” link at the bottom of the article to tell us how CUNYfirst is working (or not working) for you. Your colleagues will be able to see and respond to your comments.

Rally with the Research Foundation Central Office Workers Tomorrow—Tues., May 21

Workers from the CUNY Research Foundation Central Office (RFCO) will rally outside the RF Board of Directors meeting tomorrow, Tues., May 21 from 12-2 PM. The RF is in good fiscal health, yet the bosses want big health insurance premium hikes and drastic cuts to pay and benefits for new employees. The workers at the RF central office, represented by PSC,are rallying to say No to unfair concessions and to demand the respect and the pay they deserve. Come show your solidarity. The rally will take place outside the RF Central Office (230 West 41st Street). Contact Arsenia Reilly for more information.

Adjuncts, Read Your Reappointment Letter Carefully

Make sure the salary listed in your reappointment letter matches the salary you should receive under the PSC-CUNY Contract. You may be due a step increment in your hourly pay rate, based on semesters of adjunct service at CUNY. Following your completion of six semesters of teaching at CUNY over a three-year period, including summers, you are entitled to a pay increment which should take effect July 1 after you become eligible. It is your responsibility to notify the Human Resource Office at each college where you teach regarding your CUNY-wide work history to make sure that you are on the right salary step. The college has the contractual obligation to notify you of your title and hourly rate of pay in your appointment letter. If you believe that your hourly rate of pay is incorrect, you must notify your college’s Office of Human Resources within 30 work days of the first day of the semester to receive a retroactive pay adjustment for the semester. It is a good idea to periodically check your records for accuracy. See Article 24.2(b) of the PSC-CUNY contract.

Help Pass the New York State Dream Act This Session

Union members, students and volunteers from community groups will be in Albany tomorrow lobbying for the New York State Dream Act. The State Assembly has scheduled a vote for tomorrow afternoon and is expected to pass the bill, but State Senators won’t pass it without a big push from their constituents. Please help dream activists move the Senate by sending this e-letter to your legislators. The New York State Dream Act would make undocumented immigrant students who graduate from high school or earn a GED in New York State eligible for state financial aid, including TAP. It would also create a privately funded NYS Dream Fund to provide scholarships to children of immigrants, and revise the State’s 529 savings program. An estimated 4,500 undocumented students now attend CUNY, and many more would be able to if need-based financial aid were available to them. See the PSC’s support memo. Read the bill and list of sponsors. Send PSC’s letter in support of the bill to your elected representatives in Albany.

One Voice United Rally in Albany—Save the Date: Sat., June 8

Saturday, June 8, NYSUT will rally for full investment in higher education and against corporate control of public education. Click this link to download a flier and watch a video promoting the event. Contact Ida Cheng at [email protected] to get on the bus to Albany.

Fair Contracts for All Rally—Save the Date: Wed., June 12

Wednesday June 12, NY City workers—all of whose contracts have expired—will rally from 4-6 PM at City Hall Park to demand that Mayor Bloomberg and his successor show respect to City workers by offering fair wage increases and to all city residents by ensuring that they have the high quality services they need. Click this link to download a flier. Contact Deirdre Brill at [email protected] to help build the PSC contingent.

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