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This Week in the PSC

This Week at PSC (3.14.11): We’ve Exceeded Our Goal of 10%!

Mar 14, 2011

We’ve Exceeded Our Goal of 10%!
As of Monday afternoon 2,816 PSC members had sent the letter to Albany—our goal was 2,349. Thank you for responding in such numbers. Well over 10% of the faculty and staff the PSC represents rose to President Bowen’s challenge and sent a letter urging CUNY restorations and continuation of the current tax rates for the wealthy. Each member’s message was delivered to both the Senate and Assembly leadership and to their individual legislators. In less than seven days, we have sent a total of 18,000 messages. Great job.

Albany has heard our call, but there is still much more to do. The Assembly’s budget resolution includes a limited version of the tax surcharge on the highest earners and partial restoration of community college funding, but no additional money for CUNY senior colleges. If you haven’t sent your letter yet, please send it today. Hearing from enough of us could make still influence the final outcome of the budget deliberations.

Back to Albany!
More than 350 students, faculty and staff from CUNY and SUNY will descend on Albany this Tuesday, March 15th to demand an end to the cuts to higher education at our Student-Faculty Higher Education Action Day.

We’ll be headed back to Albany next Monday and Tuesday, March 21st and 22nd for NYSUT’s Committee of 100 Lobby Day. At that event, PSC members will join their colleagues from all across the state to call for continuation of the surcharge on the highest incomes, and oppose cuts to higher education and attacks on collective bargaining rights. Contact Amanda Magalhaes (212-354-1252 ext 221) to sign up.

Preview PSC’s New TV Ad Urging Support for CUNY
PSC has launched a TV and radio ad campaign urging state lawmakers to protect CUNY’s legacy of access and opportunity and prioritize investment in higher education over tax breaks for the wealthy. The ad, entitled Elis Island, will run on cable and network television stations in Albany and New York City over the next two weeks. It will air during morning shows, news and political analysis programs. The spot will also be available on the PSC homepage this week.

Community College Faculty and Staff: Register to Testify Before the City Council
Councilmember Ydanis Rodriguez will host a hearing examining the impact of the Mayor’s proposed cuts to CUNY this Friday, March 18th in the 14th floor hearing room at 250 Broadway. At the hearing, CUNY will speak from 12:00-1:30pm. After that, public testimony will be accepted from 1:30-4:00pm. PSC President Barbara Bowen will deliver the Union’s formal testimony. Members who wish to offer personal testimony can sign up as they arrive at the hearing. Amanda Magalhaes (212-354-1252 ext 221) can help provide background information, details of the proposed cuts and talking points for members who wish to testify. Please encourage your students to testify as well.

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Commemoration
Friday, March 25th is the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire. One hundred and forty-six young women factory workers died in the fire, the deadliest industrial disaster in NYC history. Scores of events are scheduled this month throughout the City to commemorate the horrible event, which galvanized the movement for labor and social justice. The previous day, the Murphy Center will host a day-long gathering of unionists, public officials, scholars and students to examine a wide range of issues that reflect the complexity and importance of the fire’s legacy. Titled “Out of the Smoke and the Flame: The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire and its Legacy,” the event will take place at the CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Ave., Thursday, March 24, 9:00am – 6:30pm. Registration is free and open to the public. Visit the PSC website for a list of other notable events.

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