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This Week in the PSC

This Week in the PSC (12.01.21): Sign the Petition! CUNY Safe Return Cannot Be One Size Fits All

Feb 03, 2022

#CUNYSafeReturn Cannot Be One Size Fits All

The PSC expects the University administration to provide clear, sensible, safe guidance for the Spring 2022 semester that is responsive to emerging information about new COVID variants. Add your name to this petition calling on the Chancellor to reject arbitrary one-size-fits-all standards that prevent the local exercise of academic judgment and undermine shared governance. Urge the administration to protect our health and the quality of a CUNY education by granting needed remote work requests; allowing academic departments to exercise independent judgment about the percentage of in-person classes; counting hybrid classes toward the in-person category; preserving in-person classes with low enrollments; and refraining from offering HyFlex courses absent an agreement with the union about their terms and conditions.




March for #APeoplesCUNY

We Need You There, Sat., 12/11 at 11AM

Andrea Vasquez, PSC 1st VP for Dec 11

Eight important groups, including New York Communities for Change, CWA District 1 and the New York Working Families Party, are now cosponsoring the March for #APeoplesCUNY on Saturday, December 11. We’re working with Bread and Puppet Theater and with local musicians to make the march from LaGuardia Community College to the CUNY Law School an imaginative, hopeful and compelling experience for union members, our families and the community. We need you there to show rising support for increased CUNY funding. RSVP here! And if you’re already signed up to attend, we need your help to organize for a big turnout. Download the latest flyer to share with colleagues. Invite family, friends and coworkers via the Facebook event. Share this video from HEO Chapter Chair Cindy Bink with your colleagues.



PSC In the News

“[Governor] Hochul can invest in a better life for people in every region of our state by fully funding SUNY and CUNY in her first executive budget,” wrote PSC President James Davis and United University Professions President Fred Kowal in an op-ed published in the Albany Times Union. The Times Union has a paywall, but you get a few free reads each month.


Click here to share the op-ed on Twitter tagging the Governor and here to post it on Facebook. Find links to the Albany piece and other recent news and opinion related to the union on the PSC in the News webpage.



PSC Testimony

Presidents Davis and Kowal collaborated again yesterday, November 30, along with NYSUT President Andy Pallotta at a hearing of the NYS Assembly Higher Education Committee. The hearing examined the impacts of COVID-19 on the future of higher education. Click here to read President Davis’s testimony.



Anti-Bullying Workshop, Mon., Dec. 6
Book Club Meetings, Dec. 13 and 20

The PSC Anti-Bullying Committee will host an online workshop called “A Discussion on Communicating in the CUNY Workplace” next Monday, December 6 at 6:30PM. Register here to receive the Zoom meeting link for the event.

The Committee will also be continuing their discussion of the book Bully Free at Work (eBook available at by Valerie Cade from 6-8:30PM on December 13 and 20. All PSC members are invited to join. Email Amy Jeu at [email protected] for more information.






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March to Stop the Cuts - March 15, 11:00 am at Foley Square - JOIN us!