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This Week in the PSC

This Week in the PSC (11.18.13): HEO/CLT Timesheets Campaign Petition Drive

Nov 18, 2013

HEO/CLT Timesheets Campaign Petition Drive

Union members in HEO, CLT and Research series titles are organizing a university-wide petition campaign pressing CUNY to negotiate with the PSC on the implementation of the new time-sheet system. The drive started in early November at BMCC and City Tech and was launched CUNY-wide at a joint meeting of the HEO and CLT chapters held last week at the PSC Union Hall. The petition calls on CUNY to negotiate about the timesheets and demands that any new time-sheet system for HEOs and CLTs reflect the complexity of our jobs and the variability of our schedules. To volunteer for the workplace petition drive, HEOs and CLTs can contact PSC Organizing Director Deirdre Brill at [email protected]. Faculty can click here to support the campaign by signing the online solidarity petition.

PSC Resolution Opposing CUNY’s Policy on “Expressive Conduct”

The Delegate Assembly of the PSC has passed a resolution demanding that CUNY’s draft Policy on “Expressive Conduct” be withdrawn from any further consideration by the CUNY Board of Trustees. The draft Policy on Expressive Conduct, a revised iteration of CUNY’s draft Policy on “Expressive Activity,” which became public in October, still reads as “an attempt to silence dissent and stifle protest before it starts,” according to the resolution.

Support CUNY’s Student Activists

The CUNY administration’s efforts to suppress freedom of expression on campus will continue tomorrow morning (Nov. 19) when two student activists from City College are scheduled to be arraigned on charges connected to demonstrations at CUNY. Khalil Vasquez and Tadafar Sourov, both leaders in defending the Morales/Shakur Center at City College and opposing the appointment of general David Petraeus, will be arraigned and informed of the charges against them in room 129, 100 Centre Street, Manhattan Criminal Court, on Tuesday, November 19 at 9:30 AM. CUNY students, faculty and staff are mobilizing to attend the arraignment to support them. If you plan to attend, please come early; it takes a long time to get through the metal detectors.

New Day New York Week of Action Dec. 2-5

Mass Rally—Dec. 5, 4:30 PM, Foley Square

Soon New York City will have a mayor and City Council who have pledged to share our vision for a more equitable city. But if we’re going to turn progressive goals into reality, we have to continue the fight. A city where good jobs pay a living wage, the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes and every resident has the opportunity to receive a quality k-16 education is within our sight. To get there we need a grassroots movement that bolsters our newly elected officials and gives us the power to overcome years of austerity politics and opposition from Albany and Wall Street. That movement starts now.

Organized labor, community groups, student and faith-based organizations and others have come together as the New Day New York coalition, a group committed to building one New York that works for #allofus. Together we’re organizing a week of creative actions throughout the city from December 2-5 to support organizing to boost paychecks for low-wage workers and demand policies that build broad prosperity, not wealth for a tiny few. The week will culminate with a mass rally at Foley Square on Thursday, December 5 at 4:30 PM. Learn more about the week of action at and RSVP to join the rally with the PSC by emailing PSC Organizing Director Deirdre Brill at [email protected].

Health Plan Change Period through Nov. 30

For faculty and staff on the active CUNY payroll, the annual period for making changes in your choice of health insurance ends November 30. See your HR office for the necessary forms. Full-timers can find more details online here (as well as a source for printable forms). Part-timers who currently have health insurance coverage though the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund can find more details (and printable forms) here. (CUNY retirees covered through the City health plan can make changes in even-numbered years; therefore there is no transfer period this year for CUNY retirees.)

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