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This Week in the PSC

This Week in the PSC (09.27.17): Say YES! To Union Membership

Sep 27, 2017

Say YES! To Union Membership

Here’s a brochure detailing many of the raises, benefits, job protections and better working conditions we’ve achieved together as a union. The gains are possible because our dues and fees enable us to use our collective power in the workplace. But the Supreme Court will soon hear Janus v. AFSCME, a case that today’s New York Times says “would be the culmination of a decades-long campaign by conservative groups aimed at weakening unions that represent public employees.” Janus v. AFSCME is designed to attack union dues and destroy our collective power. So it’s critical that you reaffirm your union membership or join the PSC today by signing the new union card. Your current membership card remains in effect until a new one is signed, but the new card provides greater protection to PSC members. Sign now, if you haven’t already, to ensure that our union has the strength and stability we need to win good contracts and protect members’ rights.

CUNY Students’ DACA Fees Will Be Covered

Undocumented CUNY students participating in the DACA program targeted by President Trump will now have the $495 DACA-renewal application fee covered on the spot if they attend DACA-renewal events held by CUNY’s Citizenship Now program. They face a strict deadline of October 5 for applications for renewal. Funds are provided by a non-profit organization. Read more here and inform your students. Congratulations to Citizenship Now! and to the CUNY DREAMers for their courageous advocacy, and to the hundreds of faculty and staff who have organized on campuses since November to press for sanctuary protections at CUNY.

Opposing the Constitutional Convention

Help Get Out the “NO!” Vote

In the November voters will decide whether New York should hold a convention to change our state constitution. The PSC is one of many unions urging a “NO!” vote on the constitutional convention (“Con Con”). A convention would be a chance to take away workers’ rights and undermine public pension protections. Join the campaign to beat back the Con Con.

Pension Clinics for Teachers’ Retirement System Members

Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) is offering pension clinics for PSC members during the next five months. If you are a participant in the TRS pension plan, one or more of the programs will be relevant to you whether you’re a new employee, at mid-career or planning to retire soon. Visit this page of the TRS website to learn how to register online. Click here for a flyer/registration form.

Phased Retirement Application Deadline: Nov. 15

The phased retirement benefit negotiated by the PSC and management allows full-time instructional staff members to ease into retirement. Full-time faculty who are 65 and older, have at least 15 years of pensionable service and are members of the Optional Retirement Program (largely TIAA) are eligible to apply to “phase” for up to three years, work 50% of their workload and receive 50% of their salary and full health insurance. HEOs and CLTs are eligible to phase for up to one year with a 20% workload reduction (one day per week) for 80% pay, if they are at least 65 and Members of the ORP. Faculty and staff must irrevocably commit to retiring at the end of the phasing period. To begin phased retirement in Fall 2018, applicants must develop a plan with their chair/supervisor and submit an application to their college human resources office by November 15, 2017. The application form is available in the Retirement Benefits section of the CUNY website and on college websites. Read more.

Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank Open Enrollment Period: Oct. 1-31

CUNY’s Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank is a pool of voluntarily donated sick leave and annual leave available for potential use as sick leave by all full-time employees at CUNY (instructional and classified) who are also donors to the bank. The Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank, which arose out of a PSC contract campaign, exemplifies worker solidarity and mutual support. It gives CUNY workers a way to offer aid to colleagues dealing with a catastrophic illness and provides a place to turn for help if they face a similar need. The open enrollment period for the Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank will be held from October 1 to October 31. Workers must donate leave in a program year to be eligible to receive leave in that year (up to 90 days). Click here for program requirements and to learn how to donate and receive leave from the bank.

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