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This Week in the PSC

This Week in the PSC (09.06.16): Join LIU Faculty to Protest the Lockout |NYC Labor Day Parade this Saturday

Sep 20, 2016

January 2017?! CUNY Should Be Embarrassed.

CUNY management sent a message last week saying that they are “pleased to announce” pay-dates of October for the ratification bonus and no later than January 2017 for retroactive pay and payment at the new salary rates. President Bowen said they should be embarrassed, not pleased, to announce those dates and vowed to continue applying union pressure to expedite payment. Read her full message.

Join LIU Faculty to Protest the Lockout—Wed., Sept. 7, 8 AM-1 PM

Unionized full and part-time faculty at Long Island University are locked out and picketing this week when they would rather be teaching. The Long Island University Faculty Federation has been bargaining in good faith with the administration at LIU since the spring. But last Friday they were told that their health insurance would be cut off and they would no longer be paid for their work. LIU plans to redeploy administrators and has hired scabs to teach students when classes begin this week. PSC members are joining our LIU sisters and brothers on the picket line this Wed., Sept. 7 between 8 AM -1 PM at the corner of DeKalb and Flatbush Avenues in Brooklyn. The PSC has issued a statement in support. Click here for a factsheet about the lockout, here for a flier and here to RSVP via the Facebook event created by the PSC chapter at the Graduate Center.

March in NYC’s Labor Day Parade—Sat., Sept. 10

Quality public higher education is the right of every New Yorker. PSC members will march at the NYC Labor Day parade to defend that right and to mobilize our union sisters and brothers behind our fight for better working and learning conditions at CUNY. Tell us you want to join other PSC members at the NYC Labor Day Parade, Sat., Sept. 10. The PSC contingent will gather on East 45th Street between 5th and Vanderbilt Avenues starting at 9 AM. We will carry signs and hand out flyers throughout the march. PSC marchers will step off at 11 AM. Join us.

Help the PSC to Get Out the Vote

Please volunteer to help get out the vote for the NY State Legislative Primary on Tuesday, September 13. The PSC’s endorsements for candidates in the NYC area are posted here. Local elected representatives played an essential role in our fight for contract funding last year, and PSC members can have a significant impact on the outcome of local elections. If you’re a member of the union, you can sign up here to volunteer and view a schedule of GOTV activities. If you’re not a member, click here to fill out an online membership card.

Labor Goes to the Movies Presents: The Searchers—Sept. 9, 6 PM

This year, Labor Goes to the Movies looks at two important film genres, the Western and Film Noir. The film series begins our exploration of the theme “The Politics of Genre” with a screening of John Ford’s Western, The Searchers (1956), on Fri., Sept. 9 in the PSC Union Hall (61 Broadway, 16th floor). Critics have bewailed the Anglo “civilizing mission” imposed on the West in Ford’s films, a mission often incarnated by the Ford hero par excellence, John Wayne. In The Searchers, Wayne is a racist without apology. Less clear, perhaps, is the position of the film. Doors open at 6 PM. Refreshments provided. There is a $2 suggested donation. To learn more about The Searchers, click here. To see the 2016-17 Labor Goes to the Movies schedule, click here.

Visit the online calendar for locations and more information

Protest the Lockout at LIU, Sept 7, 8 AM- 1 PM
GOTV Phone Banks, Sept 7 & 8, 3 PM – 9 PM
Bronx CC Chapter Meeting, Sept 8, 12 PM
Grad Center Chapter New Member Orientation, Sept 9, 12:30 PM
Labor Goes to the Movies: The Searchers, Sept 9, 6 PM
NYC Labor Day Parade, Sept 10, 9 AM
GOTV Phone Banks, Sept 11, 3 PM – 9 PM; Sept 12, 3 PM-6 PM
Retirees Chapter meeting, Sept 12, 1 PM

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March to Stop the Cuts - March 15, 11:00 am at Foley Square - JOIN us!