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This Week in the PSC

This Week in the PSC (09.04.19): Contract Update | Help Choose the WFP Presidential Candidate

Sep 05, 2019

Contract Update

The PSC bargaining team has reported that they continue to make progress toward reaching agreement on a proposed contract. In an email sent August 27 to all CUNY faculty and staff, the bargaining team wrote: “Union and management bargaining teams worked throughout the summer, often meeting or conferring daily. If we continue to make progress, we hope to be able to announce a tentative agreement within the next few weeks.” Click here to read the full update.

Adjunct Pay Dates

For the Fall 2019 semester, teaching adjuncts are scheduled to be paid on eight successive pay dates at two-week intervals. At the senior colleges, the first pay date will be Sept. 12 and the last pay date will be Dec. 19. At most community colleges, the first pay date will be Sept. 6 and the last pay date will be Dec. 13. Kingsborough CC, LaGuardia CC and Guttman CC operate on a different academic calendar with different pay dates, which are posted here.

March in the NYC Labor Day Parade—This Sat., Sept. 7

PSC members will march alongside our partners in the labor movement this Saturday, September 7 as we continue to organize and fight for a fair contract, full funding for CUNY, and greater power for working people. Email [email protected] to let us know you’ll be there with us. And bring your family and friends. The parade is a show of strength and solidarity, but it is also a celebration. Join us!

Look for the PSC’s red and white “Union Proud” signs at our staging area on 44th Street between 6th and 7th Avenues. We are scheduled to begin marching at 10:15 AM. Please arrive by 10:00 AM.

Presidential Candidate Interview Watch Party—Wed., Sept. 11

PSC Members Can Help Choose the Working Families Party Candidate
The Working Families Party has a presidential endorsement process that gives individual activists and members of affiliated organizations, including the PSC, a chance to weigh in. To do so, you must register online between Sept. 4 – 9 and then rank the candidates via an online poll between Sept. 9 – 13. A link to the poll will be emailed to you after you register.

The PSC’s Legislation Committee encourages union members to take part in the WFP endorsement process and is hosting a watch party of the WFP’s candidate interviews to help members make informed decisions.

On Wed., Sept. 11 from 6-8 PM, the Committee will screen selections from WFP interviews with Elizabeth Warren, Julian Castro, Bernie Sanders, Corey Booker and Bill de Blasio. (Kamela Harris cancelled her interview with the WFP and is not in the running for the endorsement.) The watch party will be held in the PSC Union Hall (61 Broadway, 16th Floor). Refreshments will be available. Please RSVP by emailing Tiffany Brown at ([email protected]), and don’t forget to register online between Sept. 4 – 9. Registration is required to participate in the WFP online poll.

PSC Endorses Student Walkout for Climate Change

The PSC proudly endorses the global school walkout for climate change on Friday, September 20.We salute the students throughout the world who are leading the movement on this most urgent of issues. “Our house is on fire; let’s act like it.” PSC members are urged to support the movement in whatever ways you can without interfering with fulfillment of your normal work responsibilities: incorporate material about climate change into your teaching where appropriate, offer students logistical support, or join the walkout during your lunch hour.

In New York, participants will gather at Foley Square at 12 noon on the 20th, and then march to Battery Park at 1 PM. The event will conclude with a rally at Battery Park featuring speakers and performers, including Fridays for Future movement starter Greta Thunberg and NY-based youth leaders. The rally will run from 2:30 – 5:00 PM.

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March to Stop the Cuts - March 15, 11:00 am at Foley Square - JOIN us!