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This Week in the PSC

This Week in the PSC (05.28.13): Last Week to Vote No Confidence in Pathways

May 28, 2013

Last Week to Vote No Confidence in Pathways

Votes in the No Confidence in Pathways referendum must be received by Friday, May 31 at 5:00 PM. If you haven’t voted yet, please do so today. If you have voted already, please urge a colleague to vote; turnout is critical. The message we send through this referendum is important: Pathways doesn’t solve transfer problems and the administration’s usurpation of curriculum puts the quality of a CUNY education at great risk.

You can vote online or by phone with the PIN number from the ballot mailed to you by the American Arbitration Association (AAA). The union officers advise that you no longer vote by mail, as ballots mailed now may not reach AAA in time. More detailed voting instructions are posted here on the PSC website. If you did not receive or cannot find your ballot, call the PSC office at 212-354-1252, and AAA will email your PIN to you so you can vote by phone or internet. All voting systems are up and running, but if you’ve had difficulty voting online, please call the union office at 212-354-1252 so we can talk you through it.

Members are invited to observe the vote-count at AAA on Friday afternoon, space permitting. If you would like to be an observer, please contact Sharon Tonge at the union office: [email protected].

Join the Conversation about CUNYfirst

Members have had a lot to say about CUNYfirst in the comments to a recent Clarion piece called “CUNYfirst, Users Last,” by Dr. David Arnow of Brooklyn College. Please tell us about your experience with the new system. Read the article online, and click the “add a new comment” link at the bottom to tell us how CUNYfirst is working (or not working) for you. Your colleagues will be able to see and respond to your comments.

Help Pass the New York State Dream Act This Session

With 13 days remaining in this legislative session, supporters gathered at Baruch College today to demand passage of the New York State Dream Act, one of the bills on PSC’s list of priority legislation. The measure (A-2597/S-2378) would, among other things, provide access to State financial aid programs such as TAP for undocumented students who meet in-state tuition requirements. The State Assembly passed the New York State Dream Act last week, and the State Senate is now feeling pressure to act on the bill from CUNY students, union members, constituents, mayoral candidates and public officials. Add your voice to the call for the New York State Dream Act by sending the PSC’s e-letter to your legislators in Albany.

Fair Contracts for All Rally—Wed., June 12

Wednesday June 12, NY City workers—all of whose contracts have expired—will rally from 4-6 PM at City Hall Park to demand that Mayor Bloomberg and his successor show respect to City workers by offering fair wage increases and to all city residents by ensuring that they have the high quality services they need. Click this link to download a flier. Contact Deirdre Brill at [email protected] to RSVP.

Help Save SUNY Downstate

Critical healthcare services and jobs are on the line at SUNY Downstate, Brooklyn’s only State-run public hospital. Instead of appropriating funds to save the hospital, which has been on the verge of insolvency, the Governor’s budget called for the development of a “Sustainability Plan.” If the Governor and Wall Street have their way, the plan could be to shrink, close, or privatize the hospital, which treats nearly 400,000 patients a year, with or without health insurance.

United University Professions (UUP), our sister union at SUNY, represents many of the workers at the Brooklyn hospital. Show them your solidarity and stand up for the people of Brooklyn by calling Governor Cuomo at 518-474-9390 or 1-888-833-7424. Tell him: Stop your for-profit experiment. Keep Downstate Medical Center’s University Hospital as a fully operational state-owned hospital! Download a flier about the campaign.

One Voice United Rally in Albany—Sat., June 8

Saturday, June 8, NYSUT will rally for full investment in higher education and against corporate control of public education. Click this link to download a flier and watch a video promoting the event. Contact Ida Cheng at [email protected] to get on the bus to Albany.

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