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This Week in the PSC

This Week in the PSC (04.28.15): New Contract Campaign T-Shirts Coming This Week

Apr 28, 2015

New Contract Campaign T-Shirts Coming This Week

Hundreds of PSC members are wearing contract campaign t-shirts in class and at work. And hundreds more shirts have been reserved and ordered. You can still support the union’s fight for a fair contract with retroactive pay by wearing a t-shirt that says, “Five Years without a Union Contract Hurts CUNY Students’’—and on the back: “Ask Me Why.” All you have to do is fill out this web form pledging to speak to CUNY students about how the lack of a PSC-CUNY contract affects them. Shirts reserved via the online pledge form and paper sign-up sheets are being distributed to PSC chapter chairs starting this Wednesday. If you’ve reserved a shirt, you’ll be emailed about how to pick it up from your chapter chair.

Help Win a Fair Contract: Sign up for NYC-Based Lobby Visits

To win support in Albany and City Hall for a fair PSC-CUNY contract, we need lawmakers to know that the contract is a priority for their constituents. That’s why PSC members will be meeting with State Legislators and City Council members about the contract throughout May and June. Taking part in a meeting is a way for you to make a real difference: there is still time in this legislative session for the State Legislature to fund a PSC-CUNY contract with retroactive pay, and there is still time for CUNY allies on the City Council to add their political support to our contract fight. To get involved, email your name and address to Amanda Magalhaes ([email protected]), and tell her what times you’re available on Fridays in May and June.

Pathways Lawsuit Update

The PSC continues to fight for the quality of CUNY education and for professional autonomy for CUNY faculty. The union’s Pathways lawsuits remain active and are progressing through the State Court’s Appellate Division. Union leaders chose to appeal when Judge Anil Singh ruled last spring, dismissing the PSC’s two lawsuits—one challenging the original Pathways resolution adopted by CUNY’s Board of Trustees and another charging violations of the state Open Meetings Law. Since then, the PSC has filed its appeals to the lower court’s ruling and CUNY lawyers have submitted their briefs in response to the union’s appeal. Last week, the PSC filed briefs in reply to CUNY’s responses. Argument before the Appellate Division will likely happen in the next two to three months and a decision may come in the fall.

Students Have the Power to Demand a Better CUNY

CUNY students’ education is at risk because we don’t have a new contract. That’s why the union launched the t-shirt campaign to educate students about our fight for better teaching, working and learning conditions at CUNY. Students who want to support the contract campaign can go to for a list of actions they can take. On the web page, there are social media and real-world actions students can take and an e-letter to lawmakers that students can send. Help spread the word.

Ballots for 2015 PSC Elections Are Due Wed., Apr. 29

This spring, the union is holding elections for the PSC’s principal officer positions of President, First Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer; for Vice Presidents for Senior Colleges, Community Colleges, Part-Time Personnel and Cross-Campus Units; and for the other 19 positions on the PSC Executive Council. Members will also elect delegates to the AFT, NYSUT and AAUP. Ballots were mailed to eligible members’ homes on April 1. Completed ballots must be received by Wednesday, April 29. Visit the Elections Committee webpage for elections rules.

May Day is Our Day! March With the PSC—Fri., May 1

Join your PSC colleagues and their families and friends as we march and rally on Friday, May 1 with fellow union members and community partners from across the City. CUNY faculty and staff are part of New York’s working class. We are five years without a contract and our own low-wage adjunct workers suffer as badly from poor pay, job insecurity, inaccessible housing, inadequate health care and denial of rights on the job as any other worker in this city. May Day is a day to show city-wide solidarity and a day to raise up our fight for a fair contract at CUNY. The march will start at the home of Walmart owner Alice Walton (60th St. between Park and Lexington Ave.) and travel down Billionaire’s Row on Central Park South to a rally at 58th Street between 8th and 9th Ave. PSC members will meet at the corner of 62nd St. and Park Ave., starting at 5:00 PM. (Look for our red and white signs.) Click here for a flier.

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March to Stop the Cuts - March 15, 11:00 am at Foley Square - JOIN us!