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This Week in the PSC

This Week in the PSC (04.11.16): NYT Editorial

Apr 11, 2016

In the News: April 11

In an editorial published today, the New York Times addresses rumors of a planned CUNY-SUNY merger, which surfaced during the State budget negotiations. The editorial, Don’t Dilute CUNY’s Urban Mission, notes that the merger idea reappeared this year in news reports related to the proposal in the Executive Budget to shift $485 million in funding for CUNY from the State budget to the City. Building on work from Professors Stephen Brier, a widely cited CUNY historian, and Michael Fabricant, the PSC’s first vice president, the editorial argues that efforts to merge CUNY and SUNY would undermine CUNY’s historic commitment to the urban poor.

Dozens of links to recent articles and interviews about the PSC’s struggle for CUNY funding and a fair contract are posted here. The most recent update to the In the News page includes coverage of the final state budget from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and PoliticoNY, along with a link to a radio interview with President Bowen on 77WABC-AM.

AAUP Spring Conference at Marymount Manhattan College—Apr. 15-16

The Spring 2016 NYS Conference of the American Association of University Professors will be held at Marymount Manhattan College in New York City April 15 -16. Aaron Nisensin, AAUP’s general council, will speak during the conference on the implications of the recent U.S. Supreme Court case Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association. Registration for the conference is free. A $40 fee for the Saturday night dinner will be collected at the door. Click here to register and here to view the agenda for the conference. The address is 221 East 71st St, New York, NY 10021. Go to the Peruggi Room, 2nd floor Main Building.

Fight for $15 Day of Action—Apr. 14 [NEW MIDDAY AND EVENING ACTIONS]

After successfully pushing lawmakers in Albany to increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour in NYC by 2018 and at least $12.50 an hour upstate by 2021, the New York Fight for $15 campaign is mobilizing for a day-long series of events to continue the fight to improve wages and strengthen worker protections. Download a flier. RSVP with PSC Organizing Director Deirdre Brill ([email protected]) for any of these actions:
• Morning: 6 AM rally at 1560 Broadway (SW Corner 47th St.) with worker testimonials, including one from a CUNY adjunct, followed by a march to the TV cameras outside of the Good Morning America Studio (44th and Broadway).
• Midday: 9:30 AM rally w/Justice For Akai Gurley, 320 Jay St
• Evening: 4 PM rally at the corner of 42nd St. and 7th Ave.), followed by a 5:30 PM March Against Hate targeting Donald Trump and a GOP Gala

Labor Goes to the Movies Presents: Neighboring Sounds—Fri., Apr. 15

The PSC’s film series explores the theme “Surveillance” with a screening of Neighboring Sounds (Mendonca, Brazil, 2012) at 6:30 PM Friday, April 15 in the PSC Union Hall (61 Broadway, 16th Floor). Kleber Mendonca’s suspenseful debut film, both a thriller and a class analysis, depicts a high-rise apartment complex defined by iron bars on the windows, building doors that lock from within, motion-sensor lights, and car alarms. Selected as one of the ten-best films of 2012 by A. O. Scott of The New York Times, Neighboring Sounds portrays characters who are more imprisoned than protected by a system increasingly designed to watch over them. Refreshments provided. $2 suggested donation. Doors open at 6 PM.

Cross Campus Chapters Meeting for HEOs and CLTs—Apr. 20

HEOs and CLTs from all CUNY campuses and worksites are invited to attend the PSC cross campus chapters meeting on Wed., Apr. 20 from 6-8 PM in the PSC Union Hall (61 Broadway, 16th Floor). Members who attend will hear an update on the contract campaign and have a chance to speak up about local issues of concern to CUNY’s professional staff. A light dinner will be served. RSVP with Deirdre Brill at [email protected] .

NYSUT Honors Cecelia McCall

Cecelia McCall, secretary of the PSC from 2000 to 2006 and now a leader of the Retiree Chapter, was honored April 8 at the Representative Assembly of the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) with the “Not for Ourselves Alone—Sandy Feldman Outstanding Leadership Award.” Learn more about Cecelia and watch a video honoring her.

Visit the online calendar for locations and more information

Environmental Justice Working Group, Apr 13, 6:00pm
Legislation Committee Meeting, Apr 13, 6:00pm
York College Chapter Meeting, Apr 14, 12:00pm
NYCCT Chapter meeting, Apr 14, 2:00pm
College of Staten Island Chapter Meeting, Apr 14, 2:00pm
Fight for $15 Day of Action, Apr 14
Pre-Retirement Conference, Apr 15, 9:00am
Labor Goes to the Movies: Neighboring Sounds, Apr 15, 6:00 pm

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March to Stop the Cuts - March 15, 11:00 am at Foley Square - JOIN us!