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This Week in the PSC

This Week in the PSC (03.22.17): Contact Your State Legislators Today Tell Them Investments in Affordability Must Include Investments in Quality

Apr 13, 2017

PSC President Barbara Bowen, First Vice President Mike Fabricant and Secretary Nivedita Majumdar are in Albany this week meeting with lawmakers about state support for CUNY and the PSC’s budget demands. The Hispanic Federation and other CUNY Rising Alliance members are also at the Capitol this week advocating for our joint platform. While those meetings were happening yesterday, more than 600 PSC members called their representatives in the State Assembly, urging new investment for CUNY to hire more full-time faculty, raise wages for adjuncts and improve student support services. If you haven’t made the calls yet, please call your legislators today. You can go to the Senate website and the Assembly website to find your legislators and their office phone numbers.

CUNY University Student Senate Press Conference at City Hall-Today, Wed., Mar 22, 4-6PM

CUNY students are rallying on City Hall steps this afternoon in support of increased State and City investment in CUNY. Please come join PSC Treasurer Sharon Persinger and other PSC members supporting our students from 4:00-6:00pm calling for increased funding to hire more full-time faculty, for fair pay for adjuncts, and to freeze tuition. RSVP on the USS Facebook event. Download a flyer.

PSC TV Ad Urges New State Investment in CUNY

The PSC is launching another ad campaign pressing Albany lawmakers to make increased funding for CUNY part of any affordability initiative included in the final budget. A new video airing on TV and social media argues that affordability won’t be meaningful without new investment in the classroom. The ad follows the day in the life of Fatime Uruci of John Jay College. Students like Fatime are making the most of their CUNY opportunity. But CUNY needs 4,000 more full-time faculty and funding to support its 12,000 adjunct faculty. This is the year to invest more in CUNY classrooms so students like Fatime can realize their dreams. Watch and share Fatime’s story on Facebook. Watch it and retweet it on Twitter. You can tag your legislators if you share the video on social media. If you’re not a social media user, you can watch it on the PSC website.

Tell Washington: Hands Off Our Health Care

The consequences of the Republicans’ American Health Care Act (AHCA) and the Collins Amendment would be disastrous. The AHCA isn’t a healthcare plan—it’s a massive giveaway to insurance companies and those at the top. The Collins’ amendment would shift a portion of Medicaid costs now borne by counties to the state budget, blasting a $2.3 billion hole in New York’s budget. The bill and the amendment will leave millions without coverage and threaten public schools, colleges and other public services to deep cuts. Write your representatives today. Use this e-letter from the AFT to urge them to vote NO.

Open Position – Executive Director for the New York State Conference of AAUP

The NYS Conference of the American Association of University Professors is hiring an Executive Director. This is a part-time position working closely with volunteer faculty leaders. The PSC is an affiliate of AAUP. Interested members are encouraged to apply. Here is the job posting.

Visit the online calendar for locations and more information

USS CUNY Budget Rally at City Hall, Mar 22, 4:00pm

Brooklyn College Chapter Meeting, Mar 22, 12:30pm

Hunter College Chapter Meeting , Mar 22, 1:00pm

John Jay College Chapter Meeting, Mar 22, 1:30pm

LaGuardia CC Chapter Meeting, Mar 23, 3:30pm

PSC Watchdog Health & Safety Clinic, Mar 23, 4:30pm

Chapter Chairs Meeting, Mar 23, 6:00pm

College of Staten Island HEO Meeting, Mar 24, 12:00pm

York College HEO/CLT Meeting, Mar 24, 12:00pm

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March to Stop the Cuts - March 15, 11:00 am at Foley Square - JOIN us!