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This Week in the PSC

This Week in the PSC: (02.29.16) #CUNYRising Rally | Send a Letter to Albany

Apr 11, 2016

This Week in the PSC/PSC in the News: #CUNYRising Rally │Send a Letter to Albany

In the News

This morning, WNYC ran a segment focused on state disinvestment in CUNY and the PSC-CUNY contract. In it, both President Bowen and Chancellor Milliken emphasized the need for a contract that will allow the University to recruit and retain the faculty and staff that CUNY students depend on. Listen here.

To help explain to press about the changes wrought by years of public disinvestment in CUNY, the PSC is looking to connect with families with two or even three generations of CUNY graduates and students. If you’re a member of a family with a multi-generational tie to CUNY, or you have students or former students with such ties, please contact PSC Communications Coordinator Fran Clark at [email protected].

#CUNYRising: March, Rally and Meeting—Thurs., Mar. 10, 5PM

With CUNY facing a half-billion dollar cut in State funding, the city’s most active community groups, civil rights organizations, labor unions and faith-based groups are mobilizing to save their university. They have formed the CUNY Rising Alliance to demand investments in CUNY students, faculty and staff. The Alliance groups will launch their campaign with a mass rally, march and meeting on Thurs., Mar. 10. The action will begin at 5 PM with a rally outside Gov. Cuomo’s Manhattan office (633 Third Ave., between 40th and 41st). It will continue with a march to the Community Church of New York (40 E. 35th St.) where New Yorkers will hear about the crisis at CUNY and plan next steps in the campaign. Please RSVP to let us know you will be there and help spread the word with this flier. Use the hashtag #CUNYrising on Twitter and Facebook to connect with the campaign.

Tell Albany: Invest in CUNY, Fund the PSC-CUNY Contract

Send a message today to Albany and call for funding for our contract; critical decisions on CUNY funding are being made this week. Your voice is important; please send this message to your State representatives. You can send the sample letter we have drafted or write a letter telling your own story. The choice is yours. Once you have sent your message, please help to spread the word! The sample letter is written so that it is appropriate for anyone with a connection to CUNY. Please share it widely with students and alumni, friends, neighbors and colleagues.

Upcoming Reappointment Dates

Notice of reappointment and non-reappointment for Higher Education Series members (HEOs) serving in their third or more years of service are due on or before March 1. For those in their first and second years of service, notice is due on or before April 1. For instructional staff in tenure-bearing and certificate-bearing titles who are in their first year of service, notice is due on or before April 1. Lecturers in their second year of service should also receive their letters of reappointment by April 1. If you do not receive a letter, or if you receive a letter of non-reappointment, contact your local campus grievance counselor or contact the PSC office for a HEO or faculty grievance counselor at 212-354-1252 as soon as possible. The deadline for filing grievances for non-reappointments is April 12 for notices due on or before March 1 and May 13 for those due April 1.

Movie and Discussion: She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry

The PSC Retirees Chapter will host filmmaker Mary Dore for a screening of her much-acclaimed work She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry during their next chapter meeting. The film chronicles the events, the movers and the shakers of the feminist movement from 1966 to 1971. After the showing, Dore will lead a discussion. While this is nominally a PSC Retirees Chapter meeting, the event is open to all PSC members. The screening and discussion will happen in the PSC Union Hall (61 Broadway, 16th floor), Monday, March 7, from 1-3 PM. Light refreshments will be served. Learn more about the film.

March on Albany: Demand $15—Tues., Mar. 15

CUNY students and workers will join thousands of people from across New York on Tuesday, March 15 to take the Fight for $15 to Albany. Join us in demanding an end to poverty wages as we converge on the State Capitol Building for a rally and meetings with lawmakers. The event starts at the Capitol at 12 Noon. Buses will depart from locations throughout the city. RSVP here and a PSC organizer will call you about when and where to get on a bus.

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March to Stop the Cuts - March 15, 11:00 am at Foley Square - JOIN us!