This Week in the PSC (01.06.15):PSC Statement on the Killing of Two Police Officers
PSC Statement on the Killing of Two Police Officers The Professional Staff Congress/CUNY condemns the murder of Detectives Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. During this period of mourning, we send our deepest sympathy to their families, friends and colleagues. Even though many classes are not in session, PSC colleagues have…
This Week in the PSC (12.09.14): A Moment of Silence
A Moment of Silence The union is calling on all CUNY faculty and professional staff to observe a moment of silence in memory of Eric Garner at 11:00 AM this Thursday. The moment of silence is called for 11:00 AM on Thursday, December 11 to recall that the video depicting…
This Week in the PSC (09.27.14): A New Academic Year Is Beginning
A new academic year is beginning, and the union’s e-newsletter, This Week in the PSC, is back. Check your inbox every week for the latest union news. Also visit to stay up to date, and follow the PSC on Twitter and Facebook. For in-depth news and analysis, read the…
This Week in the PSC (06.23.14): An Update on Contract Bargaining
Contract Bargaining Update from President Bowen Collective bargaining for a new PSC contract began in earnest last Friday, June 20th. The negotiating teams for the union and CUNY management met for about three hours, and made a good start on what promise to be intense negotiations during the summer. The…
This Week in the PSC (06.05.14): Contract Bargaining Update
Contract Bargaining Update Members of the United Federation of Teachers ratified their contract with the Department of Education this week, and public sector unions across the city are preparing to bargain. The PSC is a public-sector union, but our negotiations are complicated because CUNY is funded by both New York…
This Week in the PSC (05.28.14): PSC Letter to City Council Says Now Is the Time to Invest in CUNY
PSC to the City Council: Now Is the Time to Invest in CUNY The union has sent a letter to City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito urging her to partner with Mayor de Blasio and the PSC in supporting system-wide investments in CUNY. All members of the Council will receive a…
This Week in the PSC (05.12.14): Mayor de Blasio's Executive Budget for CUNY
Mayor de Blasio's Executive Budget for CUNY Mayor de Blasio’s Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2015 includes plan to invest $20 million in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programs at the CUNY community colleges. In a statement released to the press, PSC President Barbara Bowen called the proposed STEM…
This Week in the PSC (04.22.14): Stand Up for Future Teachers and Students
PSC Resolution Helps to Spur Action in Albany A NYSUT resolution sponsored by the PSC and our sister union at SUNY, United University Professions, has helped to create pressure on Albany to delay implementation of the Teachers Performance Assessment (edTPA), the controversial teacher certification exam adopted by the Regents and…
This Week in the PSC (03.25.14): State Budget Update for CUNY
State Budget Deal Update: CUNY Overall, New York’s public universities and their students are shortchanged in the State budget agreement expected to be passed today in Albany. But our organizing has led to some positive items in the budget bills: $75 per-full-time-equivalent increase in Base Aid to CUNY community colleges…
This Week in the PSC (03.04.14): Student, Faculty & Staff Join Forces to Demand Public Higher Ed Investment
Student, Faculty and Staff Join Forces to Demand Investment in Public Higher Education Hundreds of students, faculty and college staff traveled to Albany on February 26 from every corner of the state to demand a better state budget for CUNY and SUNY and a long-term strategy for investing in public…