Lehman College Chapter Meeting
PSC Lehman College Chapter Meetings, 2nd Fridays, 11am https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pfu-qqDIiHNC0Z0VgL9wAGaLj-OOhd2cA
Hunter CAT Meeting
Hunter Campus Action Team Meeting Register 0n zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItf-qprzgpEtCAABTV5JavvjXD5FyCm0_s
Rally in the NYS Capitol
DOWNLOAD A FLYER We're rallying inside the NYS Capitol, Thursday, March 9th at 12:00 noon. Reserve your seat on the bus. This is a roundtrip to and from Albany on buses departing from the PSC office at 25 Broadway at 7AM or from 350 W 125th St. at 7:15 AM…
Lobby Training
On Tuesday, March 7 at 6pm the PSC's Legislation Committee will host a Lobby Training. Learn how to be an effective CUNY advocate! The training will discuss the PSC's current budget demands and provide campaign updates. To attend RSVP here!
LaGuardia Community College Chapter Meeting
LaGuardia Community College Chapter Meeting and Luncheon (with Zoom option) March 6, 2023 12:30pm Please register in advance for Zoom if you can’t join us in person: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0vdOmrpzgrGt3TRQnvgArR9PVb3nJbKtOQ All PSC members at LaGuardia are encouraged to come to all Chapter Meetings. For more Chapter information, please go our webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/lagpsc/home
Committee for Adjuncts and Part-timers (CAP) Meeting
Committee for Adjuncts and Part-timers (CAP) Meeting Friday, March 3 from 2:30pm – 4:30pm On Zoom: Register for the CAP meeting at this link
PSC Anti-Bullying Workshop
Topic: PSC Anti-Bullying WorkshopTime: Feb 28, 2023 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rdeqqqjIiHdQsJvmiXOevf9-264xRIdvb
Student Faculty Staff Higher Education Action Day
The PSC is working in coalition with the CUNY University Student Senate, NYPIRG, NYSUT, UUP and the SUNY Student Assembly to organize this lobby day. Members and students will depart very early and ride a bus to and from the NYS Capitol for the event. This is a roundtrip…
Monday Morning Rally
Contract for #APeoplesCUNY Monday Morning Rally Monday, February 27 Get Your Shirt & Swag at 7:30 AM, Rally Starts at 8:00 AM CUNY Central, 205 E. 42nd St. Download Flyer. Rally outside CUNY Central the morning before our contract expires. We’ll be taking our demands to CUNY, literally putting them…