Resolutions passed by the Delegate Assembly in 2006 Resolution on Fiterman Hall Resolution Opposing the Adoption of the Proposed CUNY “Procedures for Handling Student Complains about Faculty Conduct in Academic Settings” Resolution on the Proposed CUNY Policy on Acceptable Use of Computer Resources AFT Convention 2006 Resolution Support of Striking Teachers Attached by Police in Oaxaca, Mexico PSC Resolution at the July 2006 AFT Convention (Anti-War) NYSUT RA 2006 Resolutions Correct Flawed Medicare Law Defending Defined Pensions Holding TIAA-CREF Responsible for its Corporate Investment Policies Improvement in the COLA Legislation Long-Term Care Protection of Assets New York State Health Insurance In Support of TWU On US Policy in Iraq Counseling Needs At CUNY and SUNY Colleges Mandating Short-term Disability Coverage for Part-time Faculty & Staff Support for Drivers’ Licenses for New York State Immigrants Students’ and Parents’ Rights With Regard to Military Recruitment on Campuses NYSUT RA 2007 Resolutions (Passed at December 21, 2006 DA for 2007 NYSUT RA) Resolution on Hostile Work Environments Due To Bullying and Abuse Proposed NYSUT RA Resolution Regarding the War in Iraq Resolution to Oppose Political Repression in the Wake of the Oaxaca Teachers Strike Urging TIAA-CREF to Continue Developing Shareholder Activism In Support Of Labor Rights In the United States and Abroad Restore Habeas Corpus Health Care and Secure Retirement Are a Right Resolutions Submitted by Retiree Councils and Co-sponsored by the PSC for the 2007 NYSUT RA: Opposition to Increase in Medicare Part B Based on Income (Means Testing) Resolution of Permanent Health Insurance Moratorium Resolution on Bulk Buying of Prescription Drugs for all Medicaid Recipients Resolution on Improvement in the COLA Legislature Resolution to Correct the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) Share Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Share via Email Print Published: May 11, 2021 | Last Modified: February 16, 2022