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Home » Clarion » 2019 » February 2019 » Road to a fair CUNY budget

Road to a fair CUNY budget

The next several months will be critical in pressing Albany and the city for a fair budget that fully funds CUNY and enables the union to reach a contract with the administration. The PSC bargaining team has been negotiating with CUNY for the past year since the contract expired. The administration, while engaging in talks on noneconomic issues, has not made an economic proposal to the union yet.

Here’s a look at what’s planned for the semester for the union as it seeks to pressure Albany to fund the next contract. Contact the union about how you can get involved in upcoming legislative actions by emailing Tiffany Brown.


January 28 – Pressing the Lawmakers, Albany: As this newspaper went to press, PSC President Barbara Bowen testified to state lawmakers about how inadequate the governor’s proposed higher education funding really was.

February 12 – Higher Education Labor Day, Albany: The union will transport members to Albany for an all-day lobby day along with students to press lawmakers for fair funding of CUNY. With Democrats in control of both the State Senate and the Assembly, there are ears that will listen to the union’s call to fund CUNY so that it can meet PSC’s economic demands.

February 19 – Mayor’s Budget Proposal: The union is also organizing to press Mayor Bill de Blasio to deliver a city budget proposal that grants fair funding for CUNY.


Late February and Early March – In-District Meetings, New York: Fridays in March are good days to schedule in-district meetings with state lawmakers. PSC chapters are organizing delegations to meet with lawmakers while they are in their home districts. The message is the same: fully fund CUNY for a fair and just PSC contract.

March 4 and 5 – NYSUT Committee of 100, Albany: Members will be working alongside their sisters and brothers in K-12 locals demanding fair funding of education throughout the state.

March 13 – $7K Action Day, Albany and on campus: Members will take part in actions on campuses, worksites and in Albany to pressure lawmakers to address the issue of lifting poverty wages for adjuncts.

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