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Home » Clarion » 2017 » December 2017 » Professional Staff Congress/CUNY Notice of Nominations and Elections – Spring 2018

Professional Staff Congress/CUNY Notice of Nominations and Elections – Spring 2018

Term of Office: 3 Years
President, First Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, 5 University-wide Officers.
Vice President, Senior Colleges, and 3 Senior College Officers.
Vice President, Community Colleges, and 3 Community College Officers.
Vice President, Cross-Campus Chapters, and 3 Cross-Campus Officers.
Vice President, Part-Time Instructional Staff, and 3 Part-Time
Instructional Staff Officers.
Two Retiree Executive Council Officers.

Term of Office: 3 years
100 Convention Delegate Positions

(Only PSC members designated as members of the AAUP are eligible to run and vote)

Term of Office: 3 years
15 Annual Meeting Delegate Positions

1. Deadline for submitting a Declaration of Candidacy will be January 8, 2018. For convenience, pre-printed forms are available at the PSC Office and the PSC website.
2. Pre-printed nominating petitions will be sent to slate representatives and will be available from the PSC Office and from chapter chairpersons beginning February 5, 2018.
3. Properly completed nominating petitions must be received at the PSC office, 61 Broadway – Ste. 1500, New York, NY 10006, by 5:00 pm, March 5, 2018.
4. Ballots will be mailed to members’ home addresses on April 2, 2018.
5. Ballots in any uncontested AAUP election must be received at the PSC office by 5:00 pm on April 27, 2018.
6. Ballots for PSC General Election and contested AAUP election must be received at American Arbitration Assoc. by 5:00 pm on April 27, 2018.
7. Ballots will be counted at 10:00 am on April 30, 2018.

To hold a position as a general officer (serving on the Executive Council), one must have been a member in good standing of the PSC for at least one (1) year prior to the close of nominations, March 5, 2018. Among the general officer positions, retiree members may only serve as Retiree Executive Council Officers.

To be eligible to vote in this election one must have been a member in good standing for at least four (4) months prior to the mailing of the ballots, April 2, 2018.

1. A Declaration of Candidacy must be received at the PSC Central Office by no later than January 8, 2018.
2. Nominations shall be by written petition signed by no less than fifty (50) members of the appropriate constituency in good standing. For the AAUP Delegate positions the written petition must be signed by no fewer than twenty-five (25) of the identified members in good standing of the PSC Chapter of the AAUP.
3. Slate nominations shall be permitted.

A slate of candidates will be recognized if it consists of candidates for twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the officers to be elected, and if it submits, prior to the close of nominations: (1) a listing of caucus officers, all of whom must be members in good standing, including the person designated to authorize nominees for that caucus’ slate; and (2) a nominating petition including the printed name, signature, department and college of each petitioner, and the signature for each candidate running on the slate. The candidate’s signature on the slate petition shall constitute that candidate’s acceptance of the slate designation.

A copy of the Rules Governing All General and Chapter Elections is available for inspection by all eligible voters from Barbara Gabriel, Coordinator of Administrative Services, at the PSC office. It is also available online at the PSC website. Relevant sections are summarized below:

1. All voting must be on an official ballot. Write-in votes are permitted. The intent of the voter must be clear, whether the name of the candidate is written, printed or typed. In order for a write-in vote to be considered valid, the candidate must meet the same eligibility requirements as a regular candidate. A write-in candidate must receive at least 10 or 10 percent (10%) of the total votes cast in the election, whichever is less, to be elected. Write-in candidates who are elected must submit written acceptance of office to the Elections Committee within ten (10) days of the notification of election results.
2. Each candidate, or a representative designated in writing, is entitled to observe the counting of the ballots.
3. The March 2018 issue of Clarion will carry biographies and/or statements by the candidates for general officers. Each candidate for general officer will be allotted 200 words. Slates of candidates for general officer may pool their allotment of words in whatever fashion they choose. The deadline for typed copy is 5:00 pm, March 1, 2018. For information on existing Clarion photos, contact the editor. Candidates for delegates to the NYSUT, AFT and AAUP conventions will be listed, but they will not receive further space.

Candidates for general officers may purchase not more than one-half page of advertising space in the March issue of Clarion. Slates may purchase not more than one page of advertising space in the March issue of Clarion. The deadline for camera-ready mechanicals or an equivalent digital file is 5:00 pm, March 1, 2018. (Note: It would be helpful to Clarion if candidates can give newspaper staff advance notice of their intention to submit statements or advertisements, by February 14, 2018, or as soon as possible thereafter.) Space limitations preclude an offer of space to candidates for delegates to the NYSUT, AFT and AAUP conventions.

All candidates may mail literature at their own expense through Century Direct, 30-30 47th Avenue, #300, Long Island City, NY 11101-3415, the PSC mailing house. The PSC computer service will provide Century Direct with home-addressed electronic downloads of the membership, at cost. The computer service must have three days of advance notice to provide these downloads.

AAUP Candidates running for office can purchase the complete list for $5.00. The list will be mailed to the candidates’ home address.The list will not be faxed.

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