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PSC takes on bullying

Veiled negative references to an employee’s productivity, increased workload without compensation and isolation from collective work projects are all examples of bullying that happen at CUNY. CUNY – despite its historic mission of inclusion – is not immune from bullying in the workplace.

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. The PSC Anti-bullying Committee has organized a month of virtual events in October and for the rest of 2021 to confront workplace bullying. Join your colleagues and fellow union members to share ideas on how to curtail bullying in the university and how to shine a public light on an issue that is often clouded in secrecy and shame. (Click here for a full list of events.)

MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 6:30 pm | Bullying 101

A session on the costs of bullying at CUNY

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 6:30 pm | Listening Session

A discussion of anti-bullying contract provisions and policy language

WEEK OF OCTOBER 18–22 | Freedom From Bullies Week

A concentrated week of events to highlight workplace bullying

MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 6:30 pm | Graciano Matos Remembrance Event

Matos, a PSC delegate and a staunch advocate against bullying at CUNY, was committed to changing policy and contract language related to workplace bullying.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 6:30 pm | Personal Story

A City College CLT tells his bullying story.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 6:30 pm | Unity Day

Building solidarity to end bullying at CUNY

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 6:30 pm | PSC Delegate Assembly Presentation

Committee members share information on the PSC’s anti-bullying work at the union’s monthly Delegate Assembly.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 12:30 pm | Towards a Better Workplace

A lunchtime discussion on a #BullyFreeCUNY

Thursday, OCTOBER 28, All Day | Anti-Bullying Digital Media Action Day

Through coordinated social media, PSC members will share stories, tweet and post about the tactics, effects and costs of workplace bullying.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 6:30 pm | Anti-Bullying Workshop

A discussion on how to handle disagreements

MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 6:30 pm | Anti-Bullying Workshop

A discussion on communicating in the CUNY workplace

Note: During the last contract negotiation, the PSC won a commitment from CUNY management for a joint labor-management campaign on bullying. Read a statement about the agreement.

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