The PSC has rallied against unsafe reopening. The Environmental Health and Safety Watchdogs have trained activists to do safety walk-throughs of work locations, and union officers are meeting faculty and staff at their campuses to talk to them about their experiences. Some campuses are doing better than others in terms of ensuring a safe work environment (in terms of COVID-19), and others are failing to follow basic CDC guidelines. All the while, the PSC is demanding that CUNY Central takes on a bigger leadership role in ensuring safety at CUNY campuses during an uncertain time. Below is a sampling of the all-out PSC mobilization across CUNY as campuses began reopening to faculty, staff and students returning for in-person instruction.

A member-led safety and health team inspects a Hunter College classroom to determine if it is COVID-compliant for in-person instruction.
Talking to CUNY Central

Abigail Thomas, a student activist at City Tech, speaking out about safe reopening standards at a PSC-led rally outside CUNY Central.
Medgar Evers rally

The PSC rallies at Medgar Evers College, where members complained about lack of hand sanitizer and poor ventilation in buildings.
Getting the word out

A PSC organizer (left) meets with a Medgar Evers college laboratory technician.
Meeting workers

Union officers reach out to professional staff at Hunter College and LaGuardia Community College.

Mechelle Grayson, a Higher Education Assistant at John Jay College, gets tested for COVID-19.
Hunter rally

Members attend a union-led rally at Hunter College.
LaGuardia rally

Members spoke out against an unsafe reopening outside of LaGuardia Community College in Queens.