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New benefits for higher ed officers


The union is assisting in building HEO labor management (LM) committees on all campuses, which is where the application process begins. We are preparing material that will clearly instruct members on the difference between a reclassification request and the $2,500 “assignment differential” request. We will notify everyone and post the material when it is ready.

We will also hold information sessions at the PSC and on campuses and carefully train all PSC members who will serve on the HEO LM committees. Additionally, we will form a new HEO advisory committee to give grounded guidance to members who are considering applying for reclassification or the differential. Positive recommendations from the labor management committee are passed on to the College HEO (Screening) Committee and then to the college president.

The system of reclassification remains in effect for those whose duties fall primarily under a higher title. With new changes to the guidelines that open the door for more HEOs to be eligible to apply, it is now recognized that a significant increase in the volume of work a HEO performs can transform the nature of the position and can be considered a factor for reclassification. Also, an Associate HEO can no longer be denied reclassification to full HEO solely because there is already a full HEO working in the office or department. And lastly, self-nomination for reclassification will now go directly to the College HEO (Screening) Committee.

Assistants to HEO, HEO Assistants, and HEO Associates who are not eligible for reclassification but have completed one or more years of service at the top salary step will be eligible to nominate themselves, or be nominated by their supervisors, for a discretionary assignment differential. This $2,500 increase to their base pay is in recognition of “excellence in performance or increased responsibilities within the title.” The process will be detailed in upcoming material, but the newly formed HEO labor management committees will accept and consider application.


In closing, unfortunately, not everyone will be eligible for these gains, but we hope that implementation goes smoothly for those who apply and that many HEOs will show that they deserve these new opportunities and receive these hard-won advancements.

Andrea Vásquez is the PSC chapter chair for higher education officers.

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