With continued pressure from the PSC, the state legislature passed a bill that would fund future mandatory costs, like contractual salary increases. The bill, in order to become law, must be signed by the governor.
See also: What's inside the M.O.E. bill • PSC pushes for contract at all levels
On campus and in the halls of state and city government, PSC members pushed for progress in contract bargaining.
See also: Albany and NYC move on CUNY increase •
T'd off: Five years without a contract is five years too long
PSC members brought the contract campaign to their campuses when they wore union T-shirts bearing a message, sparking conversations with students about how the lack of a contract affects the learning environment.
In colleges that moved to online-only assessments of courses and faculty by students, response rates have dropped dramatically.
It was a win initially deemed likely to take months when CUNY Research Foundation management sat down with the bargaining team of the PSC RF Field Units Chapter. But the PSC RF team came away with an agreement on a three-year extension and a win on health care.
Steve London reflects on the 15 years he served as PSC First Vice President: "I am privileged to have served as part of a collective leadership with outstanding principal officers and union administrators..."
Two veteran members of PSC’s New Caucus stepped down from leadership positions in May: Arthurine DeSola, who leaves the post of secretary as Nivedita Majumdar steps in, and Bob Cermele, who exits the role of vice president for senior colleges. Here they recall some of their most memorable fights, discoveries and triumphs in nearly 15 years serving as PSC officers.
The New Caucus swept the April election for leadership of the Professional Staff Congress with a slate that ran unopposed.
At the organization's June 2015 annual meeting, the University of Illinois took a hit for its withdrawal of an offer to Steven Salaita, while special opprobrium was meted out to the governor of Wisconsin.
When the University of Wisconsin’s Board of Regents gathered at UW-Milwaukee in early June to discuss how to deal with Governor Scott Walker’s proposal to slash the university system’s budget and rewrite its tenure rules, those voicing criticism of the plan were confined to a roped-off “protest area” at the back of the hall.
Players from both teams wore the PSC “uniform”: black-and-white union T-shirts declaring: FIVE YEARS WITHOUT A UNION CONTRACT HURTS CUNY STUDENTS.