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Roving Reporter: PSC Members Share Why They're Joining the People's Climate March


Clarion’s Roving Reporter spoke with PSC members about why they’re coming to the September 21 environmental protest.

Ross Kennedy-Shaffer
Physics Teacher
Hunter College High School

This is no longer some distant, ideological campaign, but a problem that will affect all of us. The less action we take as a society to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions now, the more dramatic changes we and our descendants will face. The fact that so many people – especially policymakers – either believe that climate change is not the biggest problem facing humanity or refuse to act because of vested interests terrifies me. Direct action now seems to be the only option left to spread awareness.

Camille Goodison
04-Camille-Goodison.jpgAssistant Professor of English
City Tech

I am going with a group of peace activists and environmentalists from Brooklyn. I recently met with some Buddhist monks and nuns and was really blown away by their respect for the earth and its resources. I’ve always been a bit of an environmentalist, but I was really won over by their gentility and goodness. Watching them put such great respect for the earth – for humanity, really – in their daily lives, through careful mindfulness practice, was very inspiring. I think it’s important to remember we really are all interdependent. It does come back to you, the good or bad you do today.

Eileen Moran
Research Associate (Retired)
Michael Harrington Center
04-Eileen-Moran.jpgQueens College

Global warming threatens almost all of us, but its worst effects are experienced by the poor and people of color here and around the world. The march on September 21 is an opportunity to organize for good, clean, green jobs and challenge the carbon power industry that’s causing havoc and pollution everywhere. I’m working with the PSC committee to recruit members of the CUNY community to join us but will invite all my friends and family too. I also have a number of friends who had their homes destroyed by Sandy and are still dealing with it. Clearly the next generation will confront more of the negative consequences of global warming going forward.

Adam Koranyi
Distinguished Professor of Mathematics
04-Adam Koranyi.jpgLehman College

I decided to attend when I first heard about the march. This is a matter of conscience for me. I think we all have a share of responsibility in the climate policy of the country. I consider that policy which has been consistent ever since the rejection of the 1997 Kyoto agreement as genocidal, and I have to protest. I hope that an impressive march will call the attention of the misinformed wider public to the gravity of the situation and will, with continued popular pressure, force a radical change towards a policy directed at preserving a livable world. I have a hope that there will be real momentum by the mere fact that there are more than 500 organizations endorsing this march.

Nadia Gomez
Graphic Designer04-Nadia-Gomez.jpg
Marketing and Communications Office
Baruch College

I care a lot about this issue. I feel like the industry and the leaders in the world aren’t making enough substantial changes that would be really simple to make to better the environment and reduce pollution. Being a part of a collective action inspires me. It’s great to see that everyone who cares is getting together and showing that they care and speaking out about it. It’s being billed as the largest demonstration of its kind. It will be historic, and it’ll be cool to be a part of it.


For more on the protest, see the webpage for the People’s Climate March. You can RSVP for the PSC contingent here.

RELATED COVERAGE: Labor Mobilizes for Historic Climate March

Tell us why you are coming by clicking “add new comment.”

Since 2009 I have been actively working to stop the onslaught of fracking in NY and PA. These last few years I have learned a lot, in addition to the well-publicized problems of climate change. For instance 40% of the polar ice caps have melted in the last 40 years; because we are surrounded by water, NYC is among the top ten areas globally that will be most effected by climate change; the gulf stream, which keeps NYC’s weather moderate, will be (and perhaps already is) adversely effected by the polar ice melt; renewable energy creates more jobs — and safer jobs — than do any of the fossil fuel or nuclear industries; on a sunny day Germany already produces solar energy equal to 22 nuclear power plants…. I could go on and on. According to a peer-reviewed study out of Stanford University, with existing technologies, NY (and in fact the entire USA) can be completely off the grid by 2035. We don’t lack the knowledge. What we lack is the political will. I’m attending this march to tell citizens and politicians that we must stop using fossil fuels, and convert to renewables immediately, despite pressures from the fossil fuel industry to continue making immense profits while destroying life on this planet.

I will carry an anti-fracking sign, wear an anti-fracking shirt, and wear a baseball cap covered with anti-fracking buttons. Though I am closely associated with, OccupyThePipeline, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability and Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy, I feel I can most inform people about how fracking already is directly effecting NYC if I march with my CUNY colleagues.

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