The momentum for PSC's contract campaign is building. On Tuesday, October 21, we'll come together in a rally and mass march in Midtown. See also:
Solidarity for the Contract We Need / PSC to Management: We Need an Offer!
Key races this November could determine the make-up of the New York State Senate - and with it, the fate of key progressive legislation.
CUNYfirst, the University-wide computer system that handles everything from course registration to employee pay, repeatedly crashed at the beginning of the semester. Days of slow and intermittent service were felt across the University, and the problems have not gone away. See also: @CUNYfrist Keeps It Unreal
Eligible full-time faculty may phase in their retirement, working a lighter workload for less pay. The deadline to file your papers is November 15.
The momentum for PSC’s contract campaign is building. On Tuesday, October 21, we’ll come together in a rally and mass march in Midtown. See also:
Solidarity for the Contract We Need / PSC to Management: We Need an Offer!
Key races this November could determine the make-up of the New York State Senate – and with it, the fate of key progressive legislation.
CUNYfirst, the University-wide computer system that handles everything from course registration to employee pay, repeatedly crashed at the beginning of the semester. Days of slow and intermittent service were felt across the University, and the problems have not gone away. See also: @CUNYfrist Keeps It Unreal
Eligible full-time faculty may phase in their retirement, working a lighter workload for less pay. The deadline to file your papers is November 15.