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Shout Out!

Chant Sheet for Sing Out Shout Out December 2nd

Fight! Fight! Fight!
Education is a right!

CUNY unido jamas será vencido/
CUNY united will never be defeated

Hey New York – get real
CUNY needs a New Deal!

Whose CUNY? Our CUNY!
Whose Streets? Our Streets!
Whose Students? Our Students?

Hey, hey – ho, ho!
Austerity has got to go!

When I say “Contract,” you say “Justice!”
Contract! – Justice! Contract – Justice!
When I say “Budget,” you say “Justice!”
Budget! – Justice! Budget! – Justice!
When I say “Union”, You say “Power”
Union! – Power! Union! – Power!

One Struggle, One Fight
Students, Faculty, Staff Unite

When Public Education is Under Attack, what do we do?
Stand Up! Fight Back!

What do we want?
Fair Contract!
When do we want it?

Wages up, tuition down!
New York is a union town!

They say cutback, we say fight back
Cutback? Fightback!  Cutback? Fightback!

One, we are the union
Two, A little bit louder
Three, we’re out here fighting for our contract (students)

Published: November 30, 2023

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March to Stop the Cuts - March 15, 11:00 am at Foley Square - JOIN us!