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WE ARE NOT FOOLS, MAYOR ADAMS! We Want Medicare, Not Money Care

Rally at City Hall for Medicare

Broadway & Murray St. - Friday, March 31, 12 Noon

RSVP below for the Rally at City Hall, Friday, March 31, 12 noon. Broadway & Murray St.

No to Medicare Advantage!

NYC retirees do not want to be forced onto Aetna’s for-profit Medicare Advantage plan! NYC retirees demand to keep our traditional Medicare & premium free Medi-gap insurance.

Yes to “Option C”

The Mayor has a choice to make by April 1st. Tell the Mayor to Choose “Option C” in the Aetna contract which would let us keep what we already have.

Retirees & Active Municipal Workers: We Need You There

Bring your signs, noise makers, wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, canes, your sense of humor and sense of outrage!

Published: March 28, 2023

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March to Stop the Cuts - March 15, 11:00 am at Foley Square - JOIN us!