All Hands on Deck!
Our Health Care Crisis: Where Do We Go from Here?
via Zoom
Thursday, November 17, 5-6pm
The healthcare benefits issue continues to be a hot one, with significant consequences for retiree and in-service members. The Social Safety Net Committee of the PSC continues its educational and action series prior to the Delegate Assembly on November 17, from 5-6 pm.
1) the political economic context of this struggle
2) update on the current situation, including the PSC’s campaign at the City Council
3) intermediate alternatives while searching for a long term solution
4) at the roots of the problem: the US healthcare system – a public good and a right or a labyrinth of competing profit centers?
5) call to action and recruitment to participation
6) discussion. All hands on deck.
Published: November 11, 2022 | Last Modified: November 14, 2022