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Advocacy | December 11, 2019 · 6:00 pm8:00 pm

Long Term Care: A screening & discussion of the film CARE

The PSC Retiree Chapter and the PSC Social Safety Net Working Group is hosting a screening and discussion of the film “CARE"

Event Date: 
Wednesday, December 11, 2019 – 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Event Type7: 

The PSC Retiree Chapter and the PSC Social Safety Net Working Group is hosting a screening and discussion of the film “CARE”

Join us to watch the film, “CARE,” which features stories of people receiving long-term care, and the workers providing it. We’ll follow the film with a presentation about the issue of long-term care, and discuss the solutions to providing the level of care needed by most Americans. Participants will hear about the work of the New York Caring Majority, which is fighting for universal long-term care, supports for family caregivers, and dignified care jobs.

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Sponsored by Social Safety Net Working Group and Retire Chapter PSC-CUNY, Caring Majority, Campaign for NY Health, NY Statewide Senior Action Council, NYC Chapter NYS Alliance for Retired Americans, Physicians for a National Health Program, Metro NY Health Care For All, Council of Municipal Retiree Organizations, HEAL NY.

61 Broadway, 16th floor
PSC Union Hall
Featured Event
61 Broadway, 16th floor
PSC Union Hall

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