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Committee Meeting | September 6, 2024 · 3:00 pm4:30 pm

Committee for Adjuncts and Part-Timers (CAP) Meeting

Join us for our first Committee for Adjuncts and Part-timers (CAP) meeting of the semester on Friday, September 6 at 3:00pm. We will discuss contract negotiations and plans to step up the fight for #APeoplesCUNY as we launch into the Fall.
Register in advance for the September 6 CAP Meeting on Zoom here ––trzMvHNcS7DCAnTSDfDJNl_6HWR26

Take Action Now to Tell the Chancellor: Adjuncts Deserve On-Time Pay and Job Security! Add your name to this petition supporting our union’s demands for increased job security for adjuncts and amplifying President Davis’s letter to the chancellor for on-time adjunct pay. We will discuss further actions at the CAP meeting.

Published: August 28, 2024

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CUNY's Microsoft email has a security block for mass mailings that has held up some of our emails. A few thousand members have already voted, and we will all have the chance to vote. AAA believes they have a workaround, and they will again send out the message to all eligible members who have not yet voted. The emails will begin to go out in batches tonight, Monday, December 23rd. It may take a while to land in your inbox, (spam, or junk mail.)