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January 7, 2019 · 12:30 pm2:30 pm

Annual Retiree Chapter Winter Luncheon.

MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 12:30 PM, GRADUATE CENTER, ROOM 9204-7: SPEAKER: BENJAMIN CARTER HETT ____________________________________________ NO MORE SEATS FOR JANUARY 7th LUNCHEON. In the past, we’ve enlisted a Pulitzer Prize winner and best selling authors as speakers. But never has there been such a rush for reservations. Well over one hundred have sent checks and made reservations in just a blink of time – less than three weeks. Normally, we promote our luncheons and open reservations over an eight-week period.

Monday, January 7, 2019 – 12:30pm to 2:30pm


NO MORE SEATS FOR JANUARY 7th LUNCHEON. In the past, we’ve enlisted a Pulitzer Prize winner and best selling authors as speakers. But never has there been such a rush for reservations. Well over one hundred have sent checks and made reservations in just a blink of time – less than three weeks. Normally, we promote our luncheons and open reservations over an eight-week period.

Regrettably, we have to close reservations. If you want to be wait-listed, fill out the reservation form, write “wait-listed” and mail it to the PSC, but do NOT include a check. (

We will investigate the possibility of taping and making available as a video Benjamin Carter Hett’s talk on the downfall of Weimar Republic and the rise of Hitler.

Click HERE for a reservation form.

DeathOfDemocracy.pngWhither Democracy? In his highly acclaimed new book, Benjamin Carter Hett concludes with this sentence, “We who come later have one advantage over them [Germans in 1933]: we have their example before us.” Hett, who is professor of history at Hunter College and the CUNY Graduate Center, has written a compelling study of the rise of Hitler and downfall of the Weimar Republic, The Death of Democracy. It’s a book of particular interest to our members not only as retired academics, but as active citizens of contemporary America – a United States, which while in many respects profoundly different, is nonetheless framed by similar themes (nationalism, partisan polarization, political propaganda, demonization of the “other,” attacks on a free press, a larger–than-life political leader, etc.). As our luncheon speaker, Hett has a richly-textured story to tell about a topic that is both timely and important.

Thanks to Joan Greenbaum and Andrea Vasquez, the PSC’s First VP, we have secured space at a new luncheon venue, one familiar to many of us, the CUNY Graduate Center. It’s more convenient to mass transit and affordable, as we’ll be charging $26 a person. Space is limited, so make your reservations early. Click HERE for a reservation form. CUNY. Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue at 34th Street, Ninth Floor, Room 9204-7, 12:30 – 2:30 pm.

Click HERE for a reservation form.


MENU: one entrée per person

–Grilled Sirloin Steak, Crispy Mushrooms, Roasted Shallots
–Roasted Salmon, Braised Fennel, Orange ,Dill
–Sautéed Chicken Breast, Ponzu, Winter Radish
–Grilled Tofu, Crispy Mushrooms, Roasted Shallots

All entrées come with:
–Rolls & Artisan Breads
–Quinoa, Green Beans, Toasted Pistachios, Parsley
–Grilled Green and White Asparagus, Lemon Zest, Olive Oil

–Savoy Spinach Salad, Grape Tomatoes, Cucumber Shredded Carrot, Balsamic Vinaigrette
–And Assorted Miniature Tarts
Assorted Beverages (Soda & Water)
, Coffee (Regular & Decaf), Tea, Condiments

Click HERE for a reservation form.

365 Fifth Avenue at 34th Street/ 9th floor (Room 9204-7)
CUNY Graduate Center
365 Fifth Avenue at 34th Street/ 9th floor (Room 9204-7)
CUNY Graduate Center