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Academia Has Become Corporate America

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Despite stellar observation reports, a diverse history of courses taught, and a number of faculty “cheerleaders” claiming to work on my behalf (I’ve no way to verify), I cannot rely on [college omitted] for a regular income, even part time.

I received a letter confirming I’d been hired for the 2013-2014 year, but a mid-summer email informed me I wouldn’t have a class in [department omitted] for the first time since I’d begun teaching. I do private tutoring to earn additional income, but I’m actively seeking to leave teaching. I’m tired of depending on State support for my healthcare, and living paycheck to paycheck is taking its toll. I love my students, respect my colleagues and believe in teaching my students, but I’m being driven out of the profession by a system that divides faculty into princes and paupers.

The University professes its appreciation, yet every action conveys the contempt they hold for adjuncts. The regular pay raises of university presidents are especially insulting when courses essential to majors are being cut for “lack of funding.” Academia has become corporate America. I’m out.

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