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Home » Conference: Global Resistance in the Neoliberal University

Conference: Global Resistance in the Neoliberal University

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Registration is now closed, but the event will be live-streamed on PSC’s Facebook page. You must have a Facebook account to access the page. If you do not have a Facebook account, you can create one here.

March 3, 6-9 PM
March 4, 9 AM – 7:30 PM
PSC Union Hall
61 Broadway, 16th Floor

As the PSC builds resistance at CUNY to the university of the Trump era (world-wide neofascism, more oppressive every day), we organize under the motto of the anti-slavery militant Henry Highland Garnet. This union conference aims to build international teacher solidarity.

Speakers from teacher struggles in South Africa, India, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Turkey will join their stories to ours and work with us on common problems and radical possibilities.

How can we resist adjunctification, privatization, the explosion of student debt, “austerity blues,” race and gender oppression, police repression, the growing drum beat of war and militarization?

What is the future of the university systems of the capitalist world? Where do we find in our resistance an alternative vision? What international role can academic unions like the PSC play?

“El maestro, luchando, también está educando” (Mexico). “If you know, teach; if you don’t know, learn” (Cuba). A union conference to teach and learn from one another, united in our diversity, across all kinds of borders : how to fight, how to organize, how to dream, how to win!

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March to Stop the Cuts - March 15, 11:00 am at Foley Square - JOIN us!