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Article 15: Workload

15.1 Workload for classroom teaching members of the Instructional Staff, excluding teachers in the Hunter College Elementary and High Schools and Early Childhood Centers:

(a) The academic work year shall be from September 1 through August 31 inclusive of annual leave as currently provided in Article 14. Except for such periods of annual leave, classroom teaching members of the Instructional Staff shall be available for assignment to professional activities.

(b) Employees on the teaching staff of the City University of New York shall not be required to teach an excessive number of contact hours, assume an excessive student load, or be assigned an unreasonable schedule, it being recognized by the parties that the teaching staff has the obligation, among others, to be available to students, to assume normal committee assignments, and to engage in research5 and community service.

(c) The annual undergraduate teaching contact hour workload is governed by the Workload Settlement Agreement, pertinent sections of which are attached as Appendix A to this Agreement.

(d) 1. Effective October 31, 2002, untenured Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors, except faculty librarians and faculty counselors, who are initially appointed on or after September 1, 2002 and before September 1, 2006, will receive a total of 12 contact hours of reassigned time during their first three (3) annual appointments in order to engage in scholarly and/or creative activities related to their academic disciplines. Assignment of such reassigned time will be made by the college pursuant to guidelines designed to encourage scholarship.

2. Effective September 1, 2006, untenured Assistant Professors, untenured Associate Professors and untenured Professors employed as faculty counselors or as faculty librarians who were initially appointed to those titles on September 1, 2002, September 1, 2003, September 1, 2004, or September 1, 2005 and who continue in active pay status will receive the equivalent of 12 contact hours of reassigned time to be used during the 2006-2007, 2007-2008, and 2008-2009 academic years, regardless of tenure status, in order to engage in scholarly and/or creative activities related to their academic disciplines. Assignment of such reassigned time will be made by the college pursuant to guidelines designed to encourage scholarship.

(e) 1. Effective September 1, 2006, untenured Assistant Professors, untenured Associate Professors and untenured Professors (including those employed as faculty counselors or as faculty librarians) who receive an initial appointment to a professorial title on or after September 1, 2006 will receive twenty-four (24) contact hours of reassigned time (inclusive of the reassigned time provided for in 15.1 (d) (1) above), to be used during their first five (5) annual appointments, in order to engage in scholarly and/or creative activities related to their academic disciplines. Assignment of such reassigned time will be made by the college pursuant to guidelines designed to encourage scholarship.

2. Effective with the 2020-2021 academic year, untenured Assistant Professors, untenured Associate Professors and untenured Professors (including those employed as faculty counselors or as faculty librarians) who receive an initial appointment to a professorial title on or after the start of the Fall 2020 semester will receive 18 contact hours of reassigned time to be used during their first five annual appointments, in order to engage in scholarly and/or creative activities related to their academic disciplines. In the event that such faculty member takes a leave during the specified five-year period, the period will be extended by one year. Upon receiving appointment with tenure, the faculty members specified above shall receive six (6) contact hours of reassigned time to be used during the three (3) succeeding academic years, beginning with the year in which tenure becomes effective. In the event that such faculty member receives a fellowship leave or takes other leave during the specified three-year period, the period will be extended by one year. Assignment of such reassigned time will be made by the college pursuant to guidelines designed to encourage scholarship.

(f) For the purpose of calculating the reassigned time provided in paragraphs (d) 2., (e) 1., and (e) 2. above to untenured Assistant Professors, untenured Associate Professors and untenured Professors employed as faculty counselors or as faculty librarians, 12 contact hours shall be equivalent to the number of clock hours that would be necessary to provide full reassigned time to a faculty counselor or a faculty librarian for 15 weeks. Assignment of such reassigned time will be made by the college pursuant to guidelines designed to encourage scholarship.

15.2 Workload for part‑time members of the Instructional Staff:

(a) A person appointed to an Adjunct title is not a full‑time employee of The City University of New York. Employment in an adjunct position or a combination of adjunct positions shall not constitute a full‑time position. Adjunct Lecturers or Adjuncts in other titles, excluding Graduate Assistants, shall not be assigned a total of more than nine (9) classroom contact hours during a semester in one unit of The City University of New York. In addition, such adjunct may be employed to teach a maximum of one course of not more than six (6) hours during a semester at another unit of The City University of New York.

(b) 1. Effective the start of the Spring 2020 semester,6 employees in teaching adjunct titles—except teaching adjuncts in Medical series titles, Law School series titles, Resident series titles, Graduate School of Journalism series titles and Executive Programs in the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College series titles—who are assigned to teach at least three (3) classroom contact hours per semester (at least 45 appointment hours) within the same college will be responsible for and paid for office hours in the amounts designated below. Adjuncts shall be paid for these hours at their full hourly rate. These hours are to be spent on campus—unless the course is offered entirely or partially through distance learning, in which case the office hours may be conducted online to a corresponding extent—and are to be formalized as directed by the department chair. The hours are to be spent engaged in or available for student contact, except that the colleges may direct that up to three (3) office hours per semester—or up to six (6) per semester for those who are responsible for and paid for more than 15 office hours—be used for required trainings (e.g., Workplace Violence Prevention, Sexual Harassment Prevention, You Have a Right to Know, etc.); for professional development; for attendance at college orientation sessions; for meetings with the union pursuant to Section 208.4(b) of the NYS Civil Service Law, which may be conducted individually or in a group, as agreed to with the PSC; or as otherwise directed by the colleges.

2. Allocation of paid office hours per college:

  • A total of fewer than 3 classroom contact hours: 0 paid office hours
  • 3 or more but fewer than 6 classroom contact hours: 15 paid office hours/semester
  • 6 or more but fewer than 9 classroom contact hours: 30 paid office hours/semester
  • 9 or more classroom contact hours: 45 paid office hours/semester

3. Consistent with Article 15.2(a), paid office hours will be capped at 45 per semester at any one college. If an adjunct teaches at two colleges, paid office hours will be capped at 45 at the first college and 30 at the second college.

4. Allocation of paid professional hours per college for teaching adjuncts assigned to teach one or more but fewer than 3 classroom contact hours in a single college: two (2) paid professional hours/semester to be used for required trainings (e.g., Workplace Violence Prevention, Sexual Harassment Prevention, You Have a Right to Know, etc.); for professional development; for attendance at college orientation sessions; for meetings with the union pursuant to Section 208.4(b) of the NYS Civil Service Law, which may be conducted individually or in a group, as agreed to with the PSC; or as otherwise directed by the colleges.

5. Full-time employees who teach a course that represents an overload assignment and for which they are paid at the applicable hourly professorial rate, which corresponds to the teaching adjunct rates as set forth in Article 24, will be responsible for and paid at the applicable hourly professorial rate for the office hours specified above (paragraph (b) 1. through 4. above), in addition to any office hours for which they are normally responsible as part of their full-time assignment.

6. It is understood that paid office hours and paid professional hours for adjuncts shall not be counted toward the maximum adjunct teaching hours in Article 15.2(a) of this agreement.

15.3 Workload for Graduate Assistant:

Graduate Assistant A

Graduate students holding the title of Graduate Assistant A shall have an assignment of a maximum of 240 contact teaching hours or 450 hours of non‑teaching assignments during the work year.

Graduate Assistant B

Graduate students holding the title of Graduate Assistant B shall have an assignment of a maximum of 120 classroom teaching hours or 225 hours of non‑teaching assignments in the B title during the work year. If a Graduate Assistant B also holds an adjunct or other hourly position, his or her total combined assignment may not exceed 270 contact teaching hours or 450 hours of non‑teaching assignment during the work year.

Graduate Assistant C

Graduate students holding the title Graduate Assistant C shall have an assignment of a maximum of 180 classroom teaching hours during the work year. If a Graduate Assistant C also holds an Adjunct teaching position, his or her total combined assignment may not exceed 270 contact teaching hours during the work year.

Graduate Assistant D

Graduate students holding the title Graduate Assistant D shall have an assignment of a maximum of 100 non-teaching hours during the work year. A Graduate Assistant D may also hold an appointment as an Adjunct Lecturer (Doctoral Student) or as a Non-Teaching Adjunct (Doctoral Student). If the Graduate Assistant D holds an Adjunct Lecturer (Doctoral Student) appointment, he/she may be appointed for a maximum of 180 contact hours in the Adjunct Lecturer (Doctoral Student) title (280 hours in the combined assignment). If a Graduate Assistant D also holds a Non-Teaching Adjunct (Doctoral Student) appointment, he/she may be appointed for a maximum of 225 non-teaching adjunct hours (a combined total not to exceed 325 hours of non-teaching assignments during the work year).

15.4 Workload for non‑classroom members of the Instructional Staff, including members of the Instructional Staff assigned to the libraries, Student Personnel Staff, Counselors, HEOs, Registrars, College Laboratory Technicians and Research Assistants:

The work year shall be September 1 through August 31, including periods of annual leave as provided in Article 14. (Except for periods of annual leave as provided in Article 14, student personnel staff, counselors and library staff, in academic titles, shall be available for assignment.)

(a) Effective August 25, 2006, all members of the Instructional Staff assigned as Counselors or to other student personnel assignments, except those in the Higher Education Officer series, shall have a workweek of thirty (30) hours as assigned.

(b) All other members of the non‑classroom Instructional Staff, shall have a workweek of thirty‑five (35) hours as assigned.

This workweek is to be scheduled in not more than five days in any week for employees in the College Laboratory Technician series.

Employees assigned to a non‑air-conditioned facility shall end their work day one hour earlier than scheduled commencing on the Monday following the Spring commencement through August 29 of that year.

(c) Employees on the non‑classroom Instructional Staff of the City University of New York shall not be required to work an excessive number of hours, or be assigned an unreasonable schedule, it being recognized by the parties that members of the staff have the obligation to perform their responsibilities in keeping with the proper staffing of the day session, evening session, summer session, extension divisions and special programs of the University.

(d) It is understood that split schedules do not meet the definition of a reasonable schedule. A split schedule is a schedule in which the hours assigned are not consecutive except for meal periods.

(e) There shall be a labor management committee on each campus with two members designated by the President and two members designated by the PSC Chair to convene as needed to review complaints from instructional staff in College Laboratory Technician series titles concerning their workload and to make non-binding recommendations concerning these complaints to the President.

(f) Effective with the start of the 2016-2017 academic year, there will be a labor management committee on each campus composed of three members designated by the President of the College and three members designated by the PSC. Responsibility for chairing the committee will alternate annually between labor and management representatives. The committee will hear concerns from individual employees in the Higher Education Officer series concerning workload. The Committee, as appropriate, may make non-binding recommendations to the President. The Committee will also provide the initial review of requests for an assignment differential in accordance with Section 22.5.7

15.5 Multiple Positions

Each faculty member must comply with the Board’s rules and regulations pertaining to multiple positions or additional occupations or employment either within the University or outside of the University whether or not the faculty member receives any compensation in such additional occupation or employment.

5It is understood that Lecturers and Teachers in the Hunter College Campus School shall not be required to have a research commitment.
6For the period December 1, 2017, through the end of the Fall 2019 semester, the provisions of Article 15.2 (b) of the 2010-2017 collective bargaining agreement continued in effect.
7For the composition and responsibilities of the labor-management committee prior to the 2016-2017 academic year, see the provisions of section 15.4 (f) of the 2007-2010 collective bargaining agreement.

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