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A standing committee of the Executive Council

Committee on Legislation

The Committee on Legislation, is a standing committee of the Executive Council, responsible for organizing members to participate in the union’s legislative and political action campaigns.  The committee meets monthly during the academic year; meetings are open to all members and posted on the PSC calendar online.  The committee organizes opportunities for members to address elected officials about their jobs, pay and working conditions and the adequacy of CUNY’s  budget, current legislative initiatives including progressive taxation and the New Deal for CUNY.

To join the committee’s work or sign up for email updates, contact Tiffany Brown ([email protected])


Heather James, PSC Legislative Chair

PSC Political Action Coordinators

Bronx: Open
Brooklyn:  Jen Gaboury
Manhattan:  Heather James
Queens: Open
Staten Island: Justyna Jaielnicka

PSC/CUNY COPE Coordinator:  Liz Stevenson

Committee Structure

A standing committee of the Executive Council, the chair and core members of the Committee are appointed by the Executive Council and approved by the Delegate Assembly. Monthly meetings are open to all PSC members and are encourage to help keep their colleagues informed about the union’s political action work.

PSC Candidate Endorsement Process

Candidates for political office are required to submit a questionnaire and be interviewed by the Legislation Committee and all interested members are invited to attend.  The Committee meets and votes to recommend candidates to the Executive Council, which votes to affirm the recommendation to NYSUT (for candidates for state office) ant the AFT (for candidates for federal office.)  In City elections, PSC Executive Council’s vote is final.  Candidates interested in seeking the PSC’s endorsement should contact Bettina Damiani ([email protected]).

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