The meeting was called to order by Dr. Clinton Crawford, Chair, PSC/ MEC who welcomed all in attendance.
The minutes of October 26, 2016 were approved as read. The discussion followed the agenda:
Bonuses and Retroactive pay: The membership was informed that retro-pay, step increase, and new salary would be coming all in the same check on January 19, 2016. All were reminded to check pay stubs regarding bonus information, and contact HR re placing step increases on the calendar.
Security: The Chair requested and obtained the following ideas from the membership for creating a good sense of security on the campus:
1. Protection of staff between buildings
2. Being able to call security to the classroom if there is an incident
3. IDs being checked regularly
4. Improved entry through digital means
5. Increased security in Library
6. Extended time for updating IDs during the first week of classes to facilitate students who work during the day.
7. Anti-semitic graffiti found in second floor bathroom of the School of Business which cited a particular employee has been reported to security, Senior VP, Provost and Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds who are addressing the matter. The person who brought the matter to the attention of the PSC membership expressed willingness to share information if needed. There was consensus that the cause for the normalization of such an incident be unearthed.
8. The need for curbing Joint-smoking on campus
9. Security needed for the pathway between the high school and the portables, and the corridor between Bedford Avenue and Carroll Street buildings. The following suggestions were made in this regard:
a. Seek assistance from State Senator, Jesse Hamilton
b. Install cameras that work
c. Bike patrol
d. Have a campus police officer stationed on the block in a vehicle
e. Revisit the shuttle-bus schedule
End-of-Semester Celebration: The date of the end-of-semester celebration was set for December 14, 2016, 11.30 -1.00 PM in AB1-312, and the following PSC members volunteered to plan for and to ensure that the celebration materialized: Angela Williams, Steve Wymore, Janice Aldes, Tonia Grant, Garcia Ernts, and Nelson Carilla.