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Home » Clarion » 2016 » Nov/Dec 2016 » Health and safety hours

Health and safety hours


If there’s a major health and safety problem on a CUNY campus, it’s likely that the union’s health and safety watchdogs are working on the case. For years they’ve been tackling leaky ceilings, rodent problems, too hot and too cold classrooms and other countless problems of disrepair that plague CUNY campuses.

Now the watchdogs are beginning to hold drop-in clinics that will be held in the PSC office before major union meetings, including the delegate assembly. Health and Safety Watchdog Co-Chair Jean Grassman said the clinics are a lot like faculty office hours, where members can either drop in with no appointment or arrange to come in during the designated hours. Through the one-on-one meeting, the union can get an understanding of the extent of the problem and come up with a plan to fix the issue.


Rest assured, members can still call or email their concerns. “It’s really meant to increase the visibility and accessibility of the health and safety watchdogs,” Grassman told Clarion.

For more information on how to address campus health and safety problems, contact the union’s watchdogs by emailing [email protected].

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